Just In
for One Big Love Circle

11/5/2013 c1 HopelessRomantic
I was listening 2 that song wen reading so cool can't wait for more:):):):)
7/13/2009 c5 7kiki56
i loved it. it was really good!
11/24/2007 c5 giltter
thanks,i love this story
6/29/2007 c3 3xxMazzy
I love this story. It's so sweet.
6/8/2007 c5 1VampiressBeauty20
You really thought I wasn't coming back? I loved your story, it's very orginal, I know it took forever to upload the chapter

I've been so busy! Finals are next week, and I'm going to be taking four regents.

I have a Myspace if you want to check it out,

5/23/2007 c5 16Destination's d e s t i n y
THIS WAS JUST ROCKING! Man i liked this very much. You have very good imagination and verty nice words to describe it. I LOVED IT!
2/15/2007 c2 Cherryll
crus it so sad they had broken up and it was the witches and not the boys sad but I like the chapter
2/15/2007 c4 Cherryll
I love it again and you a good writer, go to fav list this story
2/15/2007 c5 Cherryll
love it I think is very good
2/14/2007 c1 Cherryll
I can belive I never have review this story is great and you have all the girls in it vell must of them anyway good chapter
2/3/2007 c5 2FreeMoment
I like it alot, you did a good job on your first fic. ^^
1/30/2007 c4 apricot.pie
okayy. this review is for th whole story.

it won't let me review chapter five.

so... yeahh.

it was really cute!

songs were great! xxD

yes my smily dude purposley has two sets of eyes... or x's.


I liked it!

12/28/2006 c5 8DCIMorse
I liked your story and I have to say keep writing some day you might be a great writer. One word of advice, if you use cursive writing use it for thoughts or backflashes.
12/22/2006 c1 RaWkIn GuRl
Great story! Luv the last the last part when the boys sing!LOL!
11/29/2006 c5 13BloomAmber
Jesse Mcartney rules.. I love the song my beautiful soul! Please tell me you'll write other fanfics, because It's pretty good to keep going. Like you said... Keep going I love it, the same with your story writing. You should keep going on writing story's, and if so.. I don't know.. but I'll try to be the first reviewer in all your storys!
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