Just In
for Conviction

1/5/2010 c15 3Lillypilly
Definitely worth the wait 'coz it just gets better and better. Loved everything about this chapter. Tristan finally caving at the beginning 'coz he couldn't sleep without Rory was adorable. Going by the end of the last chapter I kind of expected Tristan and Rory already talking and trying to deal with the events so it was a nice surprise when Tristan was still trying to fight his inner turmoil but eventually unable to and I won't even start with his confession of undying love. Your depth and attention to detail is amazing. Really enhances the visual part for me. Great work!
1/4/2010 c15 1Curley-Q
OMG...Simply Amazing! I loved how Logan reacted to seeing Rory after finding out and how Tristan and Rory poured out their feelings to one another! Tristan's suprise for Rory was so Excellent work!
1/1/2010 c15 RoryLoganFan
Once again, impeccable work. Simply outstanding. You have an absolutely unparalleled talent for writing. I loved this chapter so much, and I am so happy to see Tristan and Rory happy again. And of course, Richard was an absolutely amazing plot twist. Great job. Update soon!
12/31/2009 c15 3choirbandgeek
This story is amazing! I cant wait to read more, keep up the good work!
12/30/2009 c15 sailor cyanide
fan-frickin'-tastic as usual! I love and adore this story and i am so happy that tristan has accepted "rory" :) keep up the amazing work, I can hardly wait for another update!
12/27/2009 c15 anonymous
OMG! ur story is one of the reasons why i keep reading fanfictions. It is so amazingly good. I lok forward to reading the next chapter. Keep it up, u r awesome.
12/27/2009 c15 frackandbonechick
this is an amazing story, truely amazing! i can't wait to see what happens next. I am wondering if rory can now marry tristan since she isn't just a commoner anymore?

please continue soon


12/27/2009 c15 angelscovegirl
Interesting chapter. I never saw it coming that another of Rory's siblings would have survived. It is very good for her though even if he does live as a prisoner. He likes it and Tristan has showed compassion by not killing him. I love that she came back to him even though she had just regained her brother. It should show him just how much he means to her even if she does not always show it. I wonder what he's going to do about loving her and for the time being not being able to marry her? The next chapter should be really interesting. The part where she was thinking about which crest their children would have was also very cute and a nice touch to show that she is hoping for a future with him. More than just what they have right now even if she does say that she wants things to go back to the way they were before. She really does love him and wants to be his wife and the mother of his children more than anything. I really want this story to have a happy ending so i hope she gets want she wants and Tristan gets what he wants!
12/27/2009 c1 6EnchantedxRomance
i wish that rory's parents and sister weren't dead :/

Haha. I loved the story, but the fact that Lorelai and Chris died, kinda...drew me away from the story. Made it less interesting for me. But other than that, I read the whole thing and it was pretty good. Despite the deaths, and Richard being alive.
12/27/2009 c15 GGgirl15
Longest and BEST CHAPTER so far. YOU are awesome and THANK YOU for updating, I have been waiting forever. YOU MADE MY DAY.
12/27/2009 c15 boojeegaba
Thank goodness you updated! I hope it's not too long before you update again.
12/27/2009 c15 11baby le
*DIES* You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a new chapter! `=D Thank you, so much! I loved it! I also loved the twist to the story! I hope you update soon! You're doing such a great job with this! `=D
12/26/2009 c15 amelia
so happy that you updated! and such a long chapter! thank you, thank you, thank you! i absolutely loved this chapter, i think it might be my favorite one. i feel like rory and tristan's relationship has somehow been taken to the next level. simply an amazing chapter. can't wait for more!
12/26/2009 c15 redhead-sweetheart
I love this chapter. Please write more.
12/26/2009 c15 unknown
there are no words. that was beyond amazing. i kept hoping i wouldn't get to the end while at the same time feeling like i couldn't take it all in fast enough. thank you for that wonderful chapter and i am bursting with anticipation for your next update!
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