3/26/2013 c17 22poetryismyfirstlove
it was a really good trory. the emotions were raw and real. i felt the hurt while i was reading and it was all good. the dialogues were great especially when they were confessing what they felt for each other. people don't speak like that nowadays nor are they as eloquent. i also love how in some parts of the prose you used metaphors. it added a more sentimental and poetic feel.
it was a really good trory. the emotions were raw and real. i felt the hurt while i was reading and it was all good. the dialogues were great especially when they were confessing what they felt for each other. people don't speak like that nowadays nor are they as eloquent. i also love how in some parts of the prose you used metaphors. it added a more sentimental and poetic feel.
9/29/2012 c17 2giansar
Is there still going to be a epilogue? I would have liked to read their wedding and/or children.
Is there still going to be a epilogue? I would have liked to read their wedding and/or children.
8/26/2012 c17 2RainbowRose2001
So I just read your amazing story...and now I wonder where the epilogue is... :P Pretty please.
So I just read your amazing story...and now I wonder where the epilogue is... :P Pretty please.
5/7/2012 c17 Lizzywithfire. again
So I'm back asking for the epilogue?
I was reading recently that 'The Shade of grey' was originally fanfiction. Do you know what that means? I'm going to once again suggest that you put a little bit of effort into this, and get it published :)
It's amazing, and it would be so good if I could have a copy of this to go in my bookshelves.
As someone else wrote in the reviews, this is a story that sticks with you. PLEASE DO IT!
So I'm back asking for the epilogue?
I was reading recently that 'The Shade of grey' was originally fanfiction. Do you know what that means? I'm going to once again suggest that you put a little bit of effort into this, and get it published :)
It's amazing, and it would be so good if I could have a copy of this to go in my bookshelves.
As someone else wrote in the reviews, this is a story that sticks with you. PLEASE DO IT!
4/21/2012 c17 1Kopycat
it was a very well written story :) I knew Richard was alive! i'm happy for them and i love duke 3 The plot was nice too. I love stories with nobility and kingdoms. Very cool :)
it was a very well written story :) I knew Richard was alive! i'm happy for them and i love duke 3 The plot was nice too. I love stories with nobility and kingdoms. Very cool :)
3/5/2012 c17 Falling Angel
I've read so many fanfics that they all get jumbled in my head sometimes... Yet I can always remember that Conviction(s) is the really good medevial one... Not on ly is it unique, but is is amazingly well writen and definetly a favorite... :D
I've read so many fanfics that they all get jumbled in my head sometimes... Yet I can always remember that Conviction(s) is the really good medevial one... Not on ly is it unique, but is is amazingly well writen and definetly a favorite... :D
8/6/2011 c1 kelley0314
i just reread conviction and then i started reading all your other stories, theyre so good! i love trory and you do such a good job with them! i hope sometime you'll continue some of them!
i just reread conviction and then i started reading all your other stories, theyre so good! i love trory and you do such a good job with them! i hope sometime you'll continue some of them!
7/27/2011 c1 2havingsomethingtosay
This story is so endearing, you wrote a Tristan that I actually like!
This story is so endearing, you wrote a Tristan that I actually like!
4/28/2011 c17 lizzywithfire
So, i can't login to write this review, as I've already reviewed.
I was just wondering how long till that epilogue is put up? Seriously, you said 'soon' more than a year ago.
As i've said before in many of my other reviews over the years that this story took to be read, you should change the names, put some other differences in [so you don't have that whole Cassandra Clare issue], and publish this in real book format.
Do it, i dare you. [Also, if you do, let me know so i can stock it at my book store, and also by it =D
So, i can't login to write this review, as I've already reviewed.
I was just wondering how long till that epilogue is put up? Seriously, you said 'soon' more than a year ago.
As i've said before in many of my other reviews over the years that this story took to be read, you should change the names, put some other differences in [so you don't have that whole Cassandra Clare issue], and publish this in real book format.
Do it, i dare you. [Also, if you do, let me know so i can stock it at my book store, and also by it =D
11/9/2010 c17 K
Hey! Whatever happened to you giving us an epilogue? I've loved reading your story throughout the years but I would really really love to have more of a resolved feeling to this story. And I'm sure every one else who has read or will read this story would like to have more. Because who doesn't like to have more of a great thing? Anyways I really hope that you do write an epilogue. Thanks for writing this great story! And hopefully I'll have something new to review on for this story :)
Hey! Whatever happened to you giving us an epilogue? I've loved reading your story throughout the years but I would really really love to have more of a resolved feeling to this story. And I'm sure every one else who has read or will read this story would like to have more. Because who doesn't like to have more of a great thing? Anyways I really hope that you do write an epilogue. Thanks for writing this great story! And hopefully I'll have something new to review on for this story :)
9/30/2010 c17 kcmmp13
I have loved this story since chapter 1. Your writing draws people in. I would wait forever for an update for this story because I loved it that much. Thank you for not abandoning it and for giving it a 'happy ending'. You truly captured the characters even if they were in medevil times. Once again thank you for writing such an amazing story.
I have loved this story since chapter 1. Your writing draws people in. I would wait forever for an update for this story because I loved it that much. Thank you for not abandoning it and for giving it a 'happy ending'. You truly captured the characters even if they were in medevil times. Once again thank you for writing such an amazing story.
9/11/2010 c1 Musical Redhead
I'm not going to lie, the medieval part is different (for Gilmore Girls, I like medieval stories in general), but I want to keep reading. So that's what I'll do. Oh, and thanks for the good punctuation, not everyone knows where to put commas.
I'm not going to lie, the medieval part is different (for Gilmore Girls, I like medieval stories in general), but I want to keep reading. So that's what I'll do. Oh, and thanks for the good punctuation, not everyone knows where to put commas.
8/22/2010 c5 abby345amber
will rory every tell tristan about what happened to her family like who she is? Or will it not even come up. I really really like this story it is a diffrent intake on the tv series. Now i am telling the complete truth when i say that this is the best story i have ever read on Fanfiction.net and i have read alot of storys this is the best story i have read ever on this site. You should go into writing as like a career i love this story with all my heart. Well i am going to go keep reading this amazing story.
will rory every tell tristan about what happened to her family like who she is? Or will it not even come up. I really really like this story it is a diffrent intake on the tv series. Now i am telling the complete truth when i say that this is the best story i have ever read on Fanfiction.net and i have read alot of storys this is the best story i have read ever on this site. You should go into writing as like a career i love this story with all my heart. Well i am going to go keep reading this amazing story.