Just In
for Conviction

8/12/2010 c17 4Purple-Pebbles
Oh my God this is the best Ror/Trist fiction I have read it is so original and god the way you describe the things and words you use you make them so real and that makes you an awesome writer. I loved the fact that they didn't up and loved each other from the start but that they grew that love together with time and that it was so strong none could live without the other and the end .. OH GOD the end was the best I loved it so much

Keep on writing you 'ave go a brill talent

Your reader Purple-Pebbles

P.S awesomeness 100.10% yay you !
7/28/2010 c17 4TheirDiamonds
Such a brilliant story! :)

I actually spent the last couple of days reading it, then re-reading it because it was that good!
7/16/2010 c17 anonymous
I'm so glad you finished this! Not much for period pieces but you really hooked me with this one. And such a clasic ending too! Thanks so much for all your time and effort.
6/2/2010 c17 11lizzywithfire
Oh, My, God!

That was amazing, as i've said before, i really think you should change the names and actually publish this.. maybe add a couple of extra things, but the main parts are done!

Brilliant. I can't wait for the epilogue!
5/18/2010 c17 smilies
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh love it 3 Hope you update soon
5/10/2010 c17 3Alfa Centaury
O...M...G...! I don't have enough words to say how awesome of a writer you are. The story was very well written and it grips you since the very beginning to the last period. I seriously need to read the epilogue FAST! ASAP
5/4/2010 c17 2Giggles2010
Do a sequel after u have finished the story
4/8/2010 c17 JB88
LOVE! this is by far my favorite trory and I'm so glad that you have taken the time to finish it!
4/8/2010 c17 Sal
awsome nes
4/5/2010 c17 Kat Alexis Tyler
Loving the story! thanks for the update! please continue with the great work!

A Fan

K.A.T :-)
4/3/2010 c17 7Treenuh
definitely my favorite trory, would have loved to see wedding preparations, would've been cute. But loved it beginning to end regardless. Can't wait for the Epilogue!
3/31/2010 c17 4tickle582

i am so excited no offense but until like almost a yr ago i never thought i would actually see how this story ends...BUT you came and beasted it you made it AWESOME!1

i just wanted to tell you that you are an AWESOME writer you should definetly keep writing up here or finish some more of your old stories!1



P.S. Cant wait till teh epilogue!1
3/31/2010 c17 19merz86
Ek! So unbelieveably amazing, gave me goosebumps and maybe even a few tears! Beautiful BEAUTIFUL chapter, I simply can't wait for the epilogue.
3/30/2010 c17 Cassie Again
So what is you're next story going to be? I hope you start something else! You're amazing!

& not to bother you or anything, but are you ever going to update Let Go?

Just wondering... :)
3/30/2010 c17 Cassie
OH-MY-GOD. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. That was incredible, amazing, awesome, beautiful,tragic,happiness, many words to describe how that chapter was. Oh Jesus. Seriously, you are amazing.

I don't even know what to say..that was...perfect.

:( :( I don't even have the words...

*Re-united and it feels so good...*

What a perfect way to have the golden couple reunited, Rory and Tristan were so amazing in this chapter...I don't even have the words to describe how happy I am!

Wow and such a quick update! wow! Have I mentioned how incredible you are?

They're getting married :) YAY! I knew they would! I knew they couldn't be separated for long! I KNEW IT!

Anna is going to be so thrilled :)

I miss Rory at the castle and I bet everyone else does too! Cant wait for the epilogue!

It was so perfect and sweet. I was at the edge of my chair like the whole time. Biting my fingernails. Going "AWW!" and crying. Seriously crying!

This is such a bittersweet moment! I'm happy they're back together but I am so sad that this is the end of this amazing story! This story is so incredible, one of the best Trory, Gilmore Girls, FanFiction stories of all time. I am so sad to see it end, but I also cant wait to see whats going to happen!

Marriage! Kids! I CAN'T WAIT!

Lol but I guess I'm going to have to, which is cool. I can wait for it, cause I really don't want to see it end!

But then again, I can't wait to see what the future holds for them 3

I LOVED when Tristan says "Leigh, Rory, Lorelai...whatever you go by!" That made my heart flutter so much. That was such a sweet line! He loves her no matter what!

Aww :)!

I'm so happy, I seriously feel like my life is complete right now!

And how awesome was the whole Rory/Lane scene? Seriously I MISS them! They're the best BFFs of all time! I love that song at the end, I'll have to look it up and find it, it was perfect for the ending og this chapter!

I know you probably don't want to spend all your time reading my review, so I'll quickly sum it up for you!

1. You are AMAZING! As a writer, you have everything one could want. The passion, the creativity! Seriously, you ROCK!

2. This story was Breathtaking! It was perfect in every way, even if you didnt update awesome :D That's cool, cause you finally finished :)

-You should be so proud of yourself! ;)

3. This chapter was FAN-tastic :)! I'm probaly going to read it over and over!

Thanks for that :)

I can't wait for the epilogue! Update as soon as you find time. No one should hassle you cause you updated super fast this time :) Cant wait! GREAT JOB! 3
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