3/29/2010 c17 Guest
it can't be over! but sadly, and in a way gladly, it is. gladly bc we won't be in suspense of how the story ends bc i think it was just about right. thanks for entertaining us with your ideas and words!
it can't be over! but sadly, and in a way gladly, it is. gladly bc we won't be in suspense of how the story ends bc i think it was just about right. thanks for entertaining us with your ideas and words!
3/29/2010 c17 Spreeaholic1
i almost didn't believe that another chapter was up. i think i did a little happy dance when i saw it. I've already read it 5 times since it was put up yesterday. I've reread the entire story too many times to count. this chapter was great, amazing. i'm glad tristan came to find her and that she said yes. i'm such a sucker for happy endings, although i am sad to see this story end! can't wait to read the epilogue, and whatever else you write =)
i almost didn't believe that another chapter was up. i think i did a little happy dance when i saw it. I've already read it 5 times since it was put up yesterday. I've reread the entire story too many times to count. this chapter was great, amazing. i'm glad tristan came to find her and that she said yes. i'm such a sucker for happy endings, although i am sad to see this story end! can't wait to read the epilogue, and whatever else you write =)
3/29/2010 c17 Jilly
Only the epilogue is left, and it makes me quite sad. Someone before had wrote in their reviews that you should change the characters names and publish this story. I totally agree. I think this could even be an amazing movie. You should seriously consider it. Seriously.
I loved the chapter. 'Duke jumped off of the rock and bounded across the field to jump around Tristan, barking and whining at him as if to tell him that he'd found her.' Lol. That line was adorable.
Your story has always been so very original, so I was disappointed that you borrowed that quote from the movie Ever After.
"Say it again." she breathed finally.
His eyes snapped open, "What?"
"My name."
But I loved the next part where he kissed her face and kept repeating her name. I am in love with this story. You are a talented writer, and I look forward to reading what other stories you write next. Cheers!
Only the epilogue is left, and it makes me quite sad. Someone before had wrote in their reviews that you should change the characters names and publish this story. I totally agree. I think this could even be an amazing movie. You should seriously consider it. Seriously.
I loved the chapter. 'Duke jumped off of the rock and bounded across the field to jump around Tristan, barking and whining at him as if to tell him that he'd found her.' Lol. That line was adorable.
Your story has always been so very original, so I was disappointed that you borrowed that quote from the movie Ever After.
"Say it again." she breathed finally.
His eyes snapped open, "What?"
"My name."
But I loved the next part where he kissed her face and kept repeating her name. I am in love with this story. You are a talented writer, and I look forward to reading what other stories you write next. Cheers!
3/29/2010 c17
OMG! I loved this chapter! Brought me to tears! my heart was literally clenching with every word! I loved it! :) I knew you wouldn't let me down! :)

OMG! I loved this chapter! Brought me to tears! my heart was literally clenching with every word! I loved it! :) I knew you wouldn't let me down! :)
3/29/2010 c17
AMAZING AS ALWAYS! I loved how he came for her and I cannot wait for the epilog! I am so sad that this is so close to the end! Thank you for this fic!

AMAZING AS ALWAYS! I loved how he came for her and I cannot wait for the epilog! I am so sad that this is so close to the end! Thank you for this fic!
3/29/2010 c17 london
thank you SO much for the quick update! this chapter has given me such a happy feeling! can't wait for that epilogue!
thank you SO much for the quick update! this chapter has given me such a happy feeling! can't wait for that epilogue!
3/29/2010 c17 racegurl87
YAY! I'm glad that you updated and it was quicker than normal... I'm sad to see this story coming to an end... I love it so much that I had to save it on my computer... This chapter was amazing from start to finish... update with the epilogue soon...
YAY! I'm glad that you updated and it was quicker than normal... I'm sad to see this story coming to an end... I love it so much that I had to save it on my computer... This chapter was amazing from start to finish... update with the epilogue soon...
3/29/2010 c17 RoryLoganFan
Oh. My Gosh. I cannot believe that this story is over. I have love love loved it for so long, it is absolutely the best story I have ever read, hands down. I love it so much, you are such a talented writer. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us, I can imagine I will be rereading it forever, just as I have up until now. Can't wait for the epilogue, and hopefully your next story as well!
Oh. My Gosh. I cannot believe that this story is over. I have love love loved it for so long, it is absolutely the best story I have ever read, hands down. I love it so much, you are such a talented writer. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us, I can imagine I will be rereading it forever, just as I have up until now. Can't wait for the epilogue, and hopefully your next story as well!
3/29/2010 c17 Jilly
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am running late for class, so I will just have to sing your praises later.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am running late for class, so I will just have to sing your praises later.
3/29/2010 c17 Kara
This as been the best story I have ever read. I am sad to see it end but it's a story I will be able to read over and over again. Thank you for writing it it was awesome! I hope you do another story soon!
This as been the best story I have ever read. I am sad to see it end but it's a story I will be able to read over and over again. Thank you for writing it it was awesome! I hope you do another story soon!
3/29/2010 c17 monique89
Love Love Love this chapter.
Great ending, Hope we see more intimate Trory moments in the epilogue. This is one of my favourite Trory fics on here!
Love Love Love this chapter.
Great ending, Hope we see more intimate Trory moments in the epilogue. This is one of my favourite Trory fics on here!
3/29/2010 c17 erica
first of all wow! didn't expect such a quick update! thankyou thankyou thankyoU!
i'm with mixed emotions: happy because of the wonderful ending, but at the same time sad because it's over! BUT I will patiently wait for the epilogue! Although I wouldn't mind reading another couple of chapters regarding her return to the castle! ;)
Seriously, you're a great writer! Congratulations!
first of all wow! didn't expect such a quick update! thankyou thankyou thankyoU!
i'm with mixed emotions: happy because of the wonderful ending, but at the same time sad because it's over! BUT I will patiently wait for the epilogue! Although I wouldn't mind reading another couple of chapters regarding her return to the castle! ;)
Seriously, you're a great writer! Congratulations!
3/29/2010 c17 mistystyle3
I'm Misty. My review is the one below. Thanks for responding to question if you can. :-)
I'm Misty. My review is the one below. Thanks for responding to question if you can. :-)
3/29/2010 c17 Misty
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! for finishing this story. I can't tell you how glued to this story I've been for YEARS. I just couldn't get this story out of my head. It completely captured me. I'd come up with various endings but its never the same as the author actually giving you the pleasure of reading a story to its conclusion. You made this story unique by setting it in a historical time period and with the underlying plot of her being a "traitorous" Hayden and him the King who sentenced her family to death. THANK YOU!
Question: The only part of this story where you lost me is the following: Why did Tristan not see that he could marry her after he found out who she was and forgave her for lying? You had a scene in the kitchen where they both talk about how they can't be together though he wants to find a way. Rory explained to him more than once that she holds back because she knows they cannot get married and truly be together. Its strange that he didn't mention that she was now able to marry her if he chose. They have these confrontations about there is no future because she knows he can't marry her and so it is a strange transition when Tristan suddenly says yes, we can be married because you are of noble blood. Am I missing something? You did explain later that she didn't think it was possible because she thought she was no longer noble and because she is a Hayden. However, Tristan's thought process feels disjointed. He didn't recognize that he was worried that she would feel forced/trapped into marrying him until the 2nd to last chapter so the period after he discovered her identity was just very confusing. I couldn't understand why he didn't just ask her to marry him. Can you explain your thought process. I love this story and really want to understand it all. Thanks again for finishing.
Misty. if can respond to the question. Thx. :-)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! for finishing this story. I can't tell you how glued to this story I've been for YEARS. I just couldn't get this story out of my head. It completely captured me. I'd come up with various endings but its never the same as the author actually giving you the pleasure of reading a story to its conclusion. You made this story unique by setting it in a historical time period and with the underlying plot of her being a "traitorous" Hayden and him the King who sentenced her family to death. THANK YOU!
Question: The only part of this story where you lost me is the following: Why did Tristan not see that he could marry her after he found out who she was and forgave her for lying? You had a scene in the kitchen where they both talk about how they can't be together though he wants to find a way. Rory explained to him more than once that she holds back because she knows they cannot get married and truly be together. Its strange that he didn't mention that she was now able to marry her if he chose. They have these confrontations about there is no future because she knows he can't marry her and so it is a strange transition when Tristan suddenly says yes, we can be married because you are of noble blood. Am I missing something? You did explain later that she didn't think it was possible because she thought she was no longer noble and because she is a Hayden. However, Tristan's thought process feels disjointed. He didn't recognize that he was worried that she would feel forced/trapped into marrying him until the 2nd to last chapter so the period after he discovered her identity was just very confusing. I couldn't understand why he didn't just ask her to marry him. Can you explain your thought process. I love this story and really want to understand it all. Thanks again for finishing.
Misty. if can respond to the question. Thx. :-)