Just In
for Conviction

7/14/2006 c1 Kiki
Awesome keeps me wondering what exactly what happens next. I hope you update this story because I can't wait to read another chapter! Good Job!
7/14/2006 c1 8oldschoolnames
Oh my god.. I'm writing this review as I read and I want to kill that little weasel Tristan.. WITH MY BARE HANDS. He's such a horrible little piece of sh**. Oh my god I can't believe they kiled everyone, although it is historically accurate. When seeking revenge, angry kings just didn't kill the person in question, they killed whole families.. Jeesh what idiots. I'm loving this story, and I hope you keep going with it. I didn't see any spelling or grammer mistakes thank god. You must have a good beta.

The burn mark is a good idea! It will probablly betray her at some point which makes for an interesting story!
7/14/2006 c1 5Accentlover31
Wow...its soo sad. And Tristan is an asshole...I understand rage..but the children too? Uncalled for, nothing against you though lol..Im ranting. I love the fic, its original and its great! Update soon!
7/14/2006 c1 3finnlover
Really REally Amazing start.

I can't wait for when they become older !

Very good background story!
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