Just In
for Katsura's thoughts

1/29/2010 c1 153SiriusFan13
Very nice. It's so hard to find good Katsura fics that try to show his clear point of view on Kenshin and on himself (and especially on their interaction). I'm glad I stumbled on them. Nice description of Hiko! (Shishio looked him up? Interesting).

Just a couple of points. I like the idea that Katsura feels a closeness to Kenshin, but I'm not sure how I feel about the "kid brother" idea. Mostly because of how historically high ranking the man was. Even with his free thinking, I don't know if he would see Kenshin at his level that way. Maybe like a ward of sorts... (that's just me nit picking tho!)

The other thing I'd almost prefer would be leaving the fic at Katsura wishing Kenshin to be safe. Yamagata hasn't been mentioned up until that point, so it feels a bit unneccesary. This story is about Kenshin and Katsura and the swords. You already had a pretty powerful ending before you added the last part.

Things I really liked: I loved that Katsura is mentally taking the blame (though he'd never admit THAT to others). His memory of how cold Kenshin becameand his guilt over it:) And AGAIN (because it made me laugh right out loud) I LOVE the "mad drunk hermit monk living in seclusion". Something makes it even funnier to me when I picture Shishio telling this to Katsura.


Well,just wanted to drop a line. Nice job! Thanks for the great read:D

1/13/2008 c1 Jill
a nice little story
3/21/2007 c1 4Keniichi
aww so sweet! katsura really admired kenshin didn't he?
12/27/2006 c1 39DragonWolfStar
Yay! This is exactly what I was looking for. You really are a talented writer. (Thanks for replying to my review, btw. I wouldn't have found out otherwise...) :)
12/17/2006 c1 skenshingumi
I think this was a nice touch. You really got more into Katsura's concern, worry and feelings for Kenshin. Katsura is a tough character in many ways, difficult to come to grips with both the way he cares for and yet fully exploits Kenshin. I personally don't see him as brotherly (I think with all that happened he should feel too guilty to use that association) but that aside, nicely done. You do explore his own sense of culpability. I liked the idea of Shishio being after the swords and Katsura refusing to give it to him. The swords resting in a shrine is certainly a nice metaphor.
9/20/2006 c1 16amber-chick
hey just need to check something
7/22/2006 c1 40sueb262
A wonderfully textured portrait of the forces that shapes these men's lives, and of their responses to them, of their attempts to make sense out of the times in which they found themselves. It's easy to just at them through the lens of "owari" and "epilogue", but I'm sure that, while they were riding the rushing tide of the times, Right and Truth were harder to discern. Great job!

And all in just 10 short paragraphs!
7/19/2006 c1 7Conspirator
" They would have a peaceful life, never again to be soaked in the blood of men. Just as Himura deserved. A life free from the bloodshed and grief that was war."

What a marvelous idea, that Katsura would have placed Kenshin's swords in a shrine where no one could find them. I've always had a hard time with Katsura-how do you forgive someone for turning a young teenager into a killer, no matter what the noble motive might be? Your story has softened my feelings a bit.

7/18/2006 c1 19PraiseDivineMercy
Good characterization of Katsura. The idea that he might have given Kenshin's daisho to a shrine really strikes me for some reason, since it parallels Kenshin's quest for redemption. I would rather like to see Kenshin or some member of his family encounter them in the future.
7/18/2006 c1 1akisu-san
Aww, those touching moments and thoughts Katsura has about his favorite redhead-lol. Great work! It was awesome! Keep writing ^-^. You know what I do if Kenshin isn't cooperating? I put him in time out...

...I'm just kidding...

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