5/23/2015 c1 6Mun-ninn
are you kidding me right!? this story can't, CAN'T be complete! I need more, you just follow the character personalities and I just exploted.
are you kidding me right!? this story can't, CAN'T be complete! I need more, you just follow the character personalities and I just exploted.
9/30/2014 c1 Guest
If more than one person reviews.. Then isn't that cheating?
If more than one person reviews.. Then isn't that cheating?
7/19/2013 c1 kuronuma kujiwa
Love it! All of your facts were straight so there was absolutely nothing wrong with it! I love Kyoya and haruhi pairings but mori is similar in personality to Kyoya so they are just as good!
Love it! All of your facts were straight so there was absolutely nothing wrong with it! I love Kyoya and haruhi pairings but mori is similar in personality to Kyoya so they are just as good!
5/9/2013 c1 3JustJolola
Ahhh...so cute. *_*
The way you wrote this was...amazing. Seriously, this fic is .tion.
I love the way you describe their interactions... .
(I've been saying this on almost all Haru/Mori fics I read today, but-) HARU/MORI FTW! Such an adorable couple. Ahh! okaybye.
Ahhh...so cute. *_*
The way you wrote this was...amazing. Seriously, this fic is .tion.
I love the way you describe their interactions... .
(I've been saying this on almost all Haru/Mori fics I read today, but-) HARU/MORI FTW! Such an adorable couple. Ahh! okaybye.
5/13/2009 c1 2karen suki
please please please you must continue the story it was so great. i need to know the others reactions so please write more. your a great writer!
please please please you must continue the story it was so great. i need to know the others reactions so please write more. your a great writer!
8/25/2008 c1 16Lady Luv of the East
should I review then? my review is quite innocent^^ haha stupid me simplicity and cuteness I like it.
Lady Luv out
should I review then? my review is quite innocent^^ haha stupid me simplicity and cuteness I like it.
Lady Luv out