Just In
for Degenerate

5/29/2016 c1 Guest
I liked this, it's an interesting take on the Tallest.
4/5/2015 c1 3Mystic Fairy Tame
I liked it. Showned another side to those two and fallowed the logic of many fans, no one on IRK or from the IRKANS are supposed to be that tall. They also are weird. And red is pretty stupid. But none the less great job.
5/19/2011 c1 GraphiteTroll
I enjoyed it. :3 the explanations were great and made the world of Zim all the more interesting! Good job!
5/19/2011 c1 GraphiteTroll
I enjoyed it. :3 the explanations were great and made the world of Zim all the more interesting! Good job!
5/28/2010 c1 21The Magic Pocket Turtle
An interesting idea, which actually makes sense. I really enjoyed it.
1/17/2010 c1 i
Totally awesome. Don't get the humour cat., but I love the idea.
7/27/2008 c1 28She-Elf4
This whole concept IS kind of ironic...and yes, it WOULD go over like a lead balloon if the rest of Irk found out. I'm not sure it could happen, though...I would think the rest of their organs and muscles would grow with them. But, being alien, one can't know for sure. Anyway, funny story.
6/23/2008 c1 61BananaSpice
that was awesome haha

Ruled by defectives

And they yell at Zim!


i liked it.
3/5/2008 c1 Rambie
Very interesting concept o:
1/18/2008 c1 freetre
Wow, this is a wonderful idea/explanation of how/why the tallest are the way they are. Did that make sense? Anyways, this is a great story, very well written. I'll never look at the tallest the same way again!
11/12/2007 c1 42ckret2
Wow, brilliant idea on a little-explored aspect of Irken culture. :D I love the stories that really go into analyses of foreign cultures, and do it well. In one fic, not only do you answer the question of why they float everywhere, but also a bit about why the Tallest are so revered. Kinda creepy at the same time, but very, very clever.

Great one-shot! The humor's good, and helps balance out the tension. The genetic ideas are brilliant, as is the irony of the empire being controlled by defects. Major kudos!
6/30/2007 c1 8InsomniaticFrenchToast
I doubt what I say in this review hasn't been said already about this fic but I must say it! THAT WAS TOTTALLY AWESOME! It made complete sense! I believe this could be a legitamate reason or perhaps it is simply because they like floating...your idea is way cooler tho. I love it keep up the good work!
8/20/2006 c1 59SpeakingThroughWrittenWords
A reason for why they hover? Excellent! I like how you described the entire, Irkens are not meant to be tall. Who would have thought? Very good, keep on rolling! Er, not literally, unless you like rolling.
8/16/2006 c1 Jen
Very interesting! I've always thought being a Tallest would be terribly painful. You did a great job with this!
7/24/2006 c1 Wolbachia
this is really good! and i usually don't like Tallests stories. FAV!
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