Just In
for Alberich & Juelian

6/19/2019 c35 Guest
I love the whole story. I hope you finish it soon
5/16/2013 c35 4snoozinghamster
Really good story love how their characters develop through it
3/5/2013 c34 wendums
I do hope there is no 'doom' planned for Mir and his family. Good fic
3/4/2013 c4 91TMI Fairy
I started losing interest around chapter 4. You cannot be a successful business(wo)man after several years on opium. Street dealers may be on the take, but the level just above them is clean. Opiates turn your brain into mush very fast. I've seen people after two or three years of non-taking - their recovery had barely began. And the lifebond killed off my interest entirely. I believe that the correct term is - I'm an Alberich/Mysty shipper.
4/5/2012 c30 Very Satisfied Fan
To Answer your question:

I loved it. I wished you had made Orthallen die in a more humiliating way. Like letting chickens peck his upper half as his lower half was stewed in all manner of vile things; in front of a crowd.
3/3/2009 c32 2SeelieRadande
Errugh... FINALLY a good Alberich romance and it's left unfinished? SO not nice. I've fav-ed it and avidly await a possible update or two. Please? Kudos.
10/5/2008 c32 Lauren
that was truly amazing, i hope you write more about alberich and juelian. it would br really coolo if there was a war.
4/20/2008 c32 Pathseekerme
Please don"t stop writing your story...
2/3/2008 c32 Dreamera Tear
You know, despite the fact that this is drama, I find myself laughing really hard at these two idiots. Really. Their antics are highly amusing. Do continue writing please? I need a good laugh, and not those kinda light and fluffy stories, I want like, dark comedy and stuff. Sarcastic humor like this. Ironic humor like this. *grins*
1/8/2008 c32 1insertappropropriatenamehere

And I so wanted Alberich to go.
1/1/2008 c32 1GinaStar
hehehe...I loved it! I've missed reading your story! I've enjoyed *every* chappie! I"m glad you've let Alberich "soften" up a bit with Juelian. Now if she will just soften up a bit with him ;).
12/29/2007 c25 Incarnate
This story is marvelously well written and the plot is superb. I look forward to reading more of this in the future, and will continue to review it enthusiastically.
10/4/2007 c25 GinaStar
lol...Why can't people just get along?
9/27/2007 c24 1insertappropropriatenamehere
Whatever happened to Myste?
9/25/2007 c24 1GinaStar
Poor people...if they hadn't gotten into (ick!) drugs in the first place then this wouldn't have happened ;)
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