Just In
for Harry Potter and that Girl from America

11/12/2015 c15 MusicofmyLife
How have i just found this amazing story of yours?! I've been reading for a week now and I absolutely love it! When he gave her the ruby eyes were just sweating...i promise.
9/26/2015 c1 OptimusPrimegirl213
Wow keep up this good work
6/27/2015 c10 Josh.uaMS
constructive criticism, in chapter 10, when they get into the Weaslys shop "Hermione stood behind him tapping her foot starting scolding at his back" I could guess what you were trying to say. Change scolding to scoldingly, then just end the sentence there? Also, the part with the photo/reporter guywhat was it like to be attacked a mass of Death Eaters
6/8/2013 c1 1emberwolfe17
ok i want to read it but i havn't really yet. is this a love story between Harry and Alyssa or Draco and Allysa?
11/3/2011 c1 Yo' Mamma
This has to be the longest Sue story I've ever come across. I honestly can't fathom why or how you managed to get any good reviews.

And I seem to notice that most of the Mary Sues are written by Americans. And their usually transfer students.

Is it honestly that difficult to just make them British? I highly doubt the cultures are that different. Not to mention, has there ever been a transfer student at Hogwarts in any of the seven books? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, Hogwarts doesn't accept transfer students?

Wise up you stupid little American fangirl and please, for the sake of us all, stop raping Rowlings work with your horrible attempt at a self insert.

Thank you and good night.
9/3/2011 c1 17TheBlondeWeasley
8/13/2011 c1 1WhenBothOurCarsCollide
This is my favorite story out of all of the stories here on fan fic i also read your other one that connects to this one.. so good!. inspired me to write one myself... plz write another :) -Alex
11/25/2010 c24 6Doppelganger13
i found this chapter today and i had to finish it straight through !

This story is amazing and i freaking love it :)
10/9/2010 c24 2Katoo
OMG. That was sooooo sad! x
10/8/2010 c16 Katoo
OHH(L) Loooove it !
9/2/2010 c1 Annie
Words can not describe the... MARY-SUE that is your OC. Totally unoriginal.
2/10/2010 c24 2BlackBloodRose64
I loved your story! your an awesome writer and i cant wait to start reading the sequel! Great job!
6/12/2009 c2 moe
I just want to say that I think your story's great and don't listen to all the people saying otherwise. Some of those comments were just plain mean and untrue. While yes it is a bit of a mary sue right now, all stories are when developing characters. Props for not letting those unnecessarily horrible people get to you and finishing the story!
6/1/2009 c21 ttails
u should have her end up with harry
2/26/2008 c1 57Alex the Anachronistic
A very, very long Mary Sue . . .

I can't read anymore. Only a half page through. It's not badly written, but . . . well, there's NOTHING original about it. Perhaps I'm expecting too much. Maybe I'm spoiled by the small coterie of desperately stupendously creative writers I read religiously. In either case, or both cases, it just looked like a Mary Sue from the very summary.

But I still had to say something. Not trying to be mean, nor PMS-y, but yeah. Try for something with maybe more of a point.
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