Just In
for Harry Potter and that Girl from America

9/11/2007 c1 2stargirlvlg

Seriously, I couldn't stand to read past chapter one (for which reason I am posting under said chapter, and not further along.)

Yes, I read your A/N about the Mary-Sue issue. And I understand completely. I know why you like Alyssa: she is what you would want to be if you were in Hogwarts...and really, who wouldn't? She's pretty enough to catch the attention of every male character, and happy and bouncy and instantly popular. She is the perfect way to escape from your insecure, ugly life in which you are desperate for male attention...or attention of any sort, perhaps.

And don't deny it; you know it's true.

But not everyone likes these perfect self-inserts. And it does matter if we readers like her or not; after all, this is just one more story in the pile of shite we must wade through to find good stories.

So do everyone a favor and STOP WRITING.

P.S. Why does EVERY tweenie American fangirl insist on inserting a transfer student? Would it be *that* difficult to make her British? Really, is our dialect and culture too difficult? It's not like it's terribly different... Or is it that they (tweenie American fangirls) are too lazy to bother researching it? Dumbfucks...
9/10/2007 c22 2Midnight LeAnn
you can't do that! you can't way that and then stop! that was just mean...please update soon becasue i can't stand draco being heart broken, it is way too sad, and i wanna know what happens!
9/7/2007 c21 Shantay Angel
Nice! Loved it, as usual. Hurry up with the next chapter! I'm going to die if I have to wait a long time! I really want to know what happens.
9/6/2007 c21 Midnight LeAnn
did you kill her? you cna't kill her because that would be way too mean and draco cares way too much about her to kill her... anyway sorry if this took awhile write because i read the whole story before reviewing.
9/3/2007 c20 soldierperson
This chapter was really good! I can't believe he hit her! PLEASE update soon! i can't wait to see what's going to happen!
9/3/2007 c20 Akime-Akasuma
I can hardly stand the anticipation. Haha. Wonderfully done.
9/2/2007 c20 CrimsonBelle13
relly enjoyed dis chapter... can't wait 4 da next chapter... update soon plz:)
8/29/2007 c19 Lexi
That made me happy. She's doing something funn with her powers. Haha. She can defend herself. ^.^
8/29/2007 c19 Shantay Angel
How could I NOT be enjoying it? I love this story! Good job as usual m'dear!
8/28/2007 c19 Lizzie
This chapter was really good. i miss the nice Draco! He's being so nasty to her. i can't wait to see what happens. please update soon!
8/27/2007 c18 turnmeawayagain
wow i love the story, nice cliffy you left too lol
8/27/2007 c18 kurt
this is an excellent captivating story and i cant wait for more.
8/26/2007 c18 fgsr555
Ah. And things get a bit MORE interesting. ^.^
8/26/2007 c18 Shantay Angel
Update! Update! Quick! I HAVE to know what happens now. It so sounds like Draco set it all up, but I really hope he didn't.
8/26/2007 c18 6starbuckviper
woop update asap plz
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