Just In
for Harry Potter and that Girl from America

8/26/2007 c18 soldierperson
wow! i loved this! it makes it sound like Draco set her up. he didnt did he? i really love Draco and Alyssa, they're such a great couple. please update soon! i cant wait to find out what happens!
8/26/2007 c18 2amanda224466
a cliff hanger why a cliff hanger. butanyway i love the story can't wait for the next chapter.
8/23/2007 c17 Shantay Angel
That was a surprising chapter. Who knew Draco could be so sweet? haha. And Hermione's little confession was nice, I liked that. Can't wait for the next chapter now!
8/23/2007 c16 Shantay Angel
Again, LOVE IT! Jeez, Pansy's a frigging idiot. How could she blame Alyssa for it? It's not her fault. I'm glad Alyssa broke her nose. My grade 9 english teacher told me that if a story makes you feel emotion, then it's a damn good one. So your story is awesome!
8/22/2007 c15 Shantay Angel
Damn I wish I didn't have to go to bed (it's 2:37 am, and I still have to wash my hair). It's so frigging awesome. I read the other reviews. Guess what? The Mary Sue haters: fuck them. I like this "Mary Sue". It gives people a chance to read about someone else beside the Trio. Alyssa's awesome, I love her. She seems like a girl that I would automatically be friends with. Don't listen to the people who don't like this. There's way more people who have reviewed, and do like it, than people who have reviewed and don't. Tomorrow, I'll finish reading the rest of the chapters, and I'll review on all of them! Because, since your story is so amazing, it deserves lots and lots of reviews!
8/22/2007 c14 Shantay Angel
My dear, your story is amazing. Sorry I didn't comment on the other chapters, I didn't want to stop reading it, haha. It's definitely original, and I love it. Damn, Alyssa's a lucky girl, getting to sleep with him! haha. I can't wait to finish the story. I just wish my printer was working so I could print it off.
8/15/2007 c16 Lizzie
wow! i love this story. you have such great ideas. i really love how protective Draco is. i love Alyssa too, she's great. i read other people's reviews and it annoyed me, how many people have said about the mary sue thing. you'd think one was enough, huh? i personally really like the characters and the story. it is a fan-fic afterall so it doesnt matter too much if its different. its a Draco/OC so obviously it would be less to do with the main characters (as in the trio in JK's books). hope you keep updated often because i cant wait to read some more of this! good work, keep it up! :-)
8/14/2007 c16 xoxo SKY xoxo
wonderful story! i absolutely LOVE it! Update SOON!
8/9/2007 c1 30rnl1993
good chapter and i like the name Alyssa
8/9/2007 c15 2amanda224466
i love this story i can't wait for the next chapter to come out.
8/7/2007 c5 3Optimuswhit
This is really great and I like it very much hope theres more lol
8/7/2007 c2 SeaNymph13
aah, i just saw digitaldreamer's review and i just had to laugh. i, personally, love OC's. romances with them are much more interesting than with the canon cast because that's just so over-done. we all want to read about draco, and i am sick of seeing continual draco/ginny, draco/hermione, draco/pansy. OC's are a very refreshing take on things, and in my opinion more fun to write as well. oh, and why would digitaldreamer look into this story in the first place, and bother to start reading it and then review, if they don't like OC's? besides, i think anyone who smokes and drinks is not a mary sue, but that's just me. plus, in the defense that alyssa's pretty, who really wants to read about an ugly girl? i don't.
8/7/2007 c2 SeaNymph13
Well, i'm only a few chapters in but i love it! american girls with draco are my favorites, but i have so much trouble finding good ones. keep it up!
8/6/2007 c1 Random person
You have few spelling mistakes, and that's great. So the way you write is pretty good.

The problem is the plot. I am sorry to say this, but your OC is most defiantly a Mary Sue. A Mary Sue is a character who steals the spotlight from the canon characters. An OC is a character made by the author, but who is more in the background of the canon characters.

Many don't fancy Mary Sues because they're 'perfect' in every way.
7/26/2007 c14 Lisa
This was such a good chapter! What was she gonna say? Update soon!
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