Just In
for Glass Mirror

8/11/2006 c9 5Starsaa
interesting... . i've run out of creative things to say, blame the mirgane

*gives a cookie*
8/11/2006 c9 1SaphireDragon11
jenny here! great update! oh, and can i scrach what i said last time? THIS dream Danny had was by far the SCARIEST thing my mind has ever gotten an image of! IT BURNS! CANNOT WAIT TO SEE EWHATA HAPPENS WITH TUCKER, SAM, AND MR. AND MRS. FENTON! UPDATE SOON! XD
8/11/2006 c9 4Chaos inducer
Wow! Another shout out! Thanx muches! HA! You hugged an evil peice of cheese! Danny got a hickey from his ghost! Hehehe! Sorry I haven't reviewed in forever, but I forgot to put you on story alert. I wonder how stupid Maddie and Jack are. I mean, it's practically there in their faces and they STILL haven't realised that the evil cheese you hugged and Danny are half ghosts. Update SOON! XD

8/11/2006 c9 kokoranger
man it was getting to the good part. i really hat those two words 'end dream'. everytime i see them i jyst wanna smash the computer to bits. its like AH! other then my brief minute of insanity, LIE DETECTOR! two words, not good. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and now i've gone insane. so please contact me at the 'waka-shack' :D
8/10/2006 c8 2hikarisyami24
what's a hickey bunny? i'm luvin the story so far

- -StarPhantom
8/10/2006 c8 1SaphireDragon11
hi, Jenny again. that drean danny had has GOT to be the most scariest immage in the world! ugh... Anyway, i hope Jazz can figure out wats going on and tell danny in the next chapter...i have a fealling i may have nighmares, good thing u updated this morning and not last night, otherwise i would have read it last night and gotten the creepiest mightmare in the world baecause my dreams r just weird like that. oh, hey, read my story if u get the chance, mine is the 1 called Exposed. the other 1 kelbi wrote (she's the other person that shares the fan-girls2.0 account) i want to get my author-friends to read and review so that i have a chance of more people reading it. heck i have NO IDEA y u only have 32 reviews, then agagin, it is a weird story (noaffence intended) so... when do i get my brownie...?
8/10/2006 c8 kokoranger
ah ha danny got a hickey. hehe and what has jazz found out this time? you must be physic cuz i had brownies last night. but i'll take another one. and of course more reasons to tell you not to tick off someone who controls time. :D
8/10/2006 c8 5Starsaa
as much fun as being covered in ectoplasmic goo sounds, i think i'll pass

cute chapter.. interesting twist. can't wait to see what happens next ^^
8/9/2006 c7 Starsaa
hmm.. interesting. i'm stuck for my story again . i hand-wrote chapter six but it's so horribly random that i don't want to type it up, and now i have to think of a new direction. i wish i could write as fast as you do .
8/9/2006 c7 1SaphireDragon11
Jenny here of the fan-girls2.0 duo, formally know as horselova32312 untill i made an account. anyway ur story still rocks, keep up the good work and update soon!
8/9/2006 c7 kokoranger
oh no his parents are now gonna find out. from what i've read of dp stories, his parents seeing blood samples is never a good thing. and here comes the villian, here comes the villian, and i don't think danny is gonna be chillin'(i couldn't think of anything else to rhyme, hyper once again. :D hehe) can't wait for next chappie!
8/8/2006 c6 Peaches-Destroyer

aw... poor sam...

Danny should end up being that thing that likes both guys and girls

then sam'll b happy again!


8/8/2006 c6 5Starsaa
ahh, sweet drama.

oh, and isn't tucker, like, terrified of hospitals?
8/8/2006 c6 Kenna
Oh! I love it! UpdaTe soon!
8/8/2006 c5 Kenna
Oh. My. Gosh. That idea was good! Danny's gonna be in trouble now... On to the next chappie! *clicks button* I love it when I'm reading a good fanfic and they've already made the next chappie.
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