Just In
for Glass Mirror

8/3/2006 c3 kokoranger
alright bunny :D once again another great chappie. here ya go *gives another cookie* hehe i love the little story. sam's in closet hahahahahaha. can't wait till the next chapter. XD
8/3/2006 c3 5Starsaa
please read my DF/DP story ^^
8/3/2006 c2 Starsaa
the story is okay the only thing that really annoys me is al the inserted a/n

it's a common noobie mistake, but as interesting as this is, i am NOT going to read 20 chapters of author's notes.

oh, and how did danny go from breaking pencil 17 to pencil 15?
8/3/2006 c1 Starsaa
you get two kudos

one for making a df/dp fanfic

and another for his sleeping position XD i know that sounds random but i sleep that way too!

i started writing a danny/danny yaoi fic and was iffy about positing it because I didn't know if anyone else supposrted the couple yet (i've found some fanarts but that doesn't help me find people i can actually talk to) so now i am definately posting mine. i'm probably gonna put it on MediaMiner or AdultFanfiction too, though, just incase it gets taken off here for being too graphic.
8/2/2006 c2 Xelena
o. drama! please continue soon. danny has a boy-friend... *grin*
8/2/2006 c2 4Chaos inducer
This is a totally awesome and cool story! Update SOON! Lovin' your little story with Sam in closet(grins evil grin) and Danny coming to your house( can I come 'round and see him?PLEASE!) and Tucker...Well he had a rubbish life anyway.(HEY! I resent that!-Tucker). Infact I am loving your story so much that I am adding it to my C2 archive! (Blackfires Slash Stories) SQUEE! See ya next chappie!UPDATE SOON OR ELSE!Laters.
8/1/2006 c2 kokoranger
yea yea yea oh i love where this story is going. yea please update soon. :D
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