Just In
for Glass Mirror

9/1/2006 c19 kokoranger
haha mental images are the best images there are. PHANTOM IN A MINI-SKIRT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA always fun. tucker is a pervet! yay he's one of us. but if i catch him spying on me, i'll knock till kingdom come! danny's tied to the bed. you are so lucky you #@!$%. really pissed of right now. anyway... update!
9/1/2006 c19 4Chaos inducer
No, actually me taking someones car and not knowing how 2 drive is a lot like me. Haha! Danny's stuck in a place with loads of ghost hunters! Srry but I find that hilarious. O.o; Eww, Phantom in a too short mini skirt and cropped top. No wonder Danneh-chan's a Bi/Gay! Hee hee! Phantom can send Danny nasty and scary mental images. Hee hee. Veri like me 2 tie Danneh 2 the bed. Impending sense of doom. Hee hee. You went 2 Jpn? Lucky u. I've always wanted to go 2 Japan. Ha ha. Dannys head is empty. *Snigger* I already knew that. Oh, and I'll bring Danneh's diary back from when I drop Hurinia and Tucker off at my house. Wow. Tucker and Hurinia have a lot more in common than I thought. I didn't know he liked spying and stalking ppl. O.o; Like us, kinda. Update soon please!
8/31/2006 c18 18Horselvr4evr123
Poor Sam. XD Keep up the great work! PLEASE update soon! ^^
8/31/2006 c18 1SaphireDragon11
ok several things:

1)if i somewhat understood that 1 weird part, does that mean i'm a pervert (says it in baby voice)

2)lots of pervertedness!

3)Sam is babysitting NEAR THE PLACE ANNY IS! does this meen somthing?
8/31/2006 c18 kokoranger
hahahaha sam's misrible. just the way i like it. ^^ yay for perverts. there are so many of us that one day it will become too much and we will dominate the WORLD ! please excuse my moment of insanity...AGAIN AH i am going insane, oh well, if you can't beat them , join themn! ^^
8/31/2006 c18 4Chaos inducer
OMG! Who's at the door? Is it the Evil Piece of Cheese? Yes! Sam is in a very cramped and dark enclosed space! Danneh is a perv? Or is that just Phantom being disturbing and giving me strange mental images? Probably the Phantom choice. Ew... Danny x Sam kids... Blurgh *Throws up* And I don't like Jacks singing any more than Tuckers. Danny admitted he's with Phantom! FINALLY! And Danneh-chan gets connfused about anything. And Jazz is reading a book called 'The Adventures of the Snake Who Wished to Fly'? Oh, ya you spelt wished wrong. The book Jazz is reading sounds like some thing my sister would read. And she's only 9... or 8... or 7... I can never remember which. X) Update soon please!
8/30/2006 c17 1SaphireDragon11
ME AGAIN! sry i didn't review 4 the last chapter. it was bout 12:00 and i was sposed 2 b sleeping so i didnt want 2 risk typing. this was a good chapter! i cant believe maddie found the book! is she going 2 find out Danny's secret? EH cant wait 4 the next chap when they go 2 the GHOST convention thingy-ma-bob! also, the last chapter gave me nightmares last night. WAH! :`( IT TOTALLY FREAKED. ME. OUT! AH! i serously dont have ANY idea y i continue reading this! i guess it's cuz its starting to get real interesting on the terms of Danny's secret, those r my FAV stories. the review waz 2x as long today cuz i had 2 make up 4 the lost review btw. update soon, but i know u will!
8/30/2006 c17 4Caitlin june
still keeping my intrest...keep up the good work
8/30/2006 c17 kokoranger
yay more chappies! and yay for randomness! i like pie too. hehe ^-^ are you sure it's 104 times, cuz i counted 124 times. RANDOMNESS! tucker's a pervert, tucker's a pervert hahahahahahaha. yay for perverts! srry but you caught me in my hyper mode...AGAIN hehe update! pwease *puppy-dog eyes*
8/30/2006 c17 5Starsaa
since my story, like, died, i could write a lemon scene for you =]
8/30/2006 c17 4Chaos inducer
Yay! Twice in one day update! Again! Yes, Hurinia does stalk Tucker. And she actually has cameras in his room. X) But ya, anyways, OMG! Jack figured out Danneh! Thank god that he won't face facts! And socks? Now that is one of the MOST random things I have ever heard, and I live with my sister! XP The Fenton translator... sounds... translartorish... Sam feeding Danny pancakes! That should be me! Or you! Or both of us! HA! Sam needs to up her community service grades! My sister is annoying me asking what I am doing in the closet. Can you think of what I could be doing. She isn't buying the 'talking' excuse! And Danneh is a bi, huh? That means there is a chance for us! Don't tell Hurinia about Tucker walking in on Sam though... she can get violent when she's angry... and Danny is in trouble with me! What is he doing spying on the girls in his school! And YES! I know have blackmail on Sam! THANK YOU! Tucker dreams about meat? WTF! That is really, really gross. But very typical of him. Anyways, in short, I LOVED IT!
8/30/2006 c16 Chaos inducer
NO! The stupid review thing just deleted the whole review! And didn't bother sending it! *cries* But I like this chappie a lot yesa I do! And I will help you with a lemon scene if you really wants. And Starsaa's 'Silent Departure' is good for picking up hints and tips. Update soon! Please!
8/29/2006 c16 18Horselvr4evr123
Freaken sweet! XD Keep up the great work! PLEASE update soon! ^^
8/29/2006 c16 kokoranger
hahaha danny's gone insane. i swear, when i'm in math class, i am like so bored and i swear that i hear this voice talking to me. it's so freaky! the story is gunna end with dannyxdanny right, just wanna know, cuz i don't really like VxD, but whatevs. your story not mine.although, now i feel like i'm a pervert cuz i do go on to adult fan fiction, but i'd be glad to advise a lemon for you, i once wrote one, but i don't have enough courage to post it on here. oh great, i'm rambling, AGAIN! ok i'll stop talking...NOW!
8/28/2006 c15 1SaphireDragon11
alright, it's afficial, u have completely and udderly succeeded in SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME! i mean really! could u B any creepier! oh, and if u can, tell me, dont give me an example that envolves Danny, or any other character 4 that matter! BAD IMAGES, BAD IMAGES!
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