Just In
for A letter to the Authors

6/29/2009 c1 TCOGS
Where would you find fan-drawn comic strips? After reading this, I am dying to read them! Please inform!
10/24/2007 c1 6SlaughterOtter
sigh... Poor Danny is just so clueless... And I to hate DFxDP How the hell is that supposed to work?
11/13/2006 c1 4Remember The Darkness
um yeah don't exactly know why you wanted me to send this but here it goes. and oh there was something i needed to tell you oh gosh what was oh i remember HI.

see you later

9/16/2006 c6 18shelbyyvonne
this last chapter was funny and i think i may check out that story *shifty eyes/evil laugh*
9/16/2006 c2 shelbyyvonne
Jazz so owes me twenty bucks frikin funny!
8/18/2006 c6 89avearia
While I think that these chapters are FAR too short, and the letters should contain more characterization... (Vlad: Today I was wandering around on my evil computer when I stumbled across this quaint little site. It gave me mixed emotions... Me: Shut up.) I still think your idea for this is very cute.


P.S.: Is there really a fanfic called 105 ways to annoy Vlad Masters? O.o ... I gotta read that...

8/8/2006 c6 6Werefox Alchemist
Heh... Vlad SO needs a cat. Named Fruitloop. Cats are good for the soul.

Continueing a long steak of only reviewing one chapter when the author has mysteriously put up five overnight, here goes. While these are getting shorter and shorter, they are still good.
8/8/2006 c6 Kenna
Okay, so I fell off my chair. So what?
8/8/2006 c5 Kenna
I swear, I'm about to fall off my chair laughing!
8/8/2006 c4 Kenna
Oh my gosh. WRITE MORE!
8/8/2006 c3 Kenna

Tucker Foley


That's priceless.
8/8/2006 c2 Kenna
Once again, cracked up laughing. 'Specially at the "DANNY LOVES ME?" part, as with the "I will not date myself" part from last chappie. You rock!
8/8/2006 c1 Kenna
Omgsh, I cracked up laughing! DO more!
8/8/2006 c6 24Ghostboy814
Yeah, I'd imagine that Vlad would like some of the 'Danny turns evil' stories on FF and get ideas from them...update soon!
8/8/2006 c5 Ghostboy814
HA! That was so great!
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