Just In
for A Series Of Odd Events

10/27/2009 c1 58Donteatacowman
Haha, definitely the most original take I've seen on Dan. xD Lovely little family he has.

And yes, Victoria Vickerson, Vicki (sp?), I get it. xD
6/4/2008 c4 39Jessica01
So sweet!
3/28/2007 c5 4Remember The Darkness
I really think it would sound better if it was





at the end even though it would not be a couplet. But I still think it would sound better.Lol Im just reviewing cause i have nothing better to
3/28/2007 c4 Remember The Darkness
Hi KK! Lol I truely love these snippits and you should make more of them! By the way your always on me about my grammer but i found atleast 2 mistakes in here!


Tootles -Nikki

Lol thats how i sign all my posts now.

And for your information Lol means laugh out loud. Lol...again!
9/19/2006 c4 15SquirrelGirl13
aww cute! Just the fluf I wanted... not too fulffy but just fluf enough... hehehe... that rymes!

*chants* just fluf enough. just fluf enough. just fluf enough! just fluf enough! just fluf enough! just fluf enough! just fluf enough! just fluf-

attention span gone.

8/25/2006 c1 15Purple Mystic
I think I do. The blocks and isn't the name ManDIE is the person who wants to marry Mark the alien?
8/12/2006 c4 23Your Secret Valentine
Haha Expect Danny to say that. XD
8/8/2006 c2 12roseperpetual
I wasn't expecting the twist at the end! Wow, Danny is really bad at chess. Did you name Sirius Fenton after Sirius Black from the Harry Potter books, or is the name a coincedence? Update soon!
8/8/2006 c1 24Ghostboy814
he...that was pretty funny. And yeah, I caught the FOP mention.
8/8/2006 c1 11Free Dan Phantom
man, In my future, Danny has twins named Jake and Jack

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