5/11/2010 c16 Sand Kitsune
It was an excellent story and i found it very funny. I love time travels and it is not easy to find a good Rurouni Kenshin one. Good work.
It was an excellent story and i found it very funny. I love time travels and it is not easy to find a good Rurouni Kenshin one. Good work.
4/19/2010 c16 snake and crane
Make sure you're careful, there was a beehive found in the courtyard and you know how idiotic some of these men can be… wouldn't surprise me if they tried to throw a few rocks at it! And also be careful of the bunnies, I've heard they can be a little scary." lol at the irony any way back to revision
Make sure you're careful, there was a beehive found in the courtyard and you know how idiotic some of these men can be… wouldn't surprise me if they tried to throw a few rocks at it! And also be careful of the bunnies, I've heard they can be a little scary." lol at the irony any way back to revision
8/4/2008 c16 nancy
I love this story! so funny! XD I actally stayed up till 1:40 AM just to keep reading this. I loved it THAT much!(^O^) I love the part about Kenshin being chased by bunnys..X3 Kawaii!(cute!) I still love this anime. I will rewatch it sometime soon i think. in case u want too know. the site's to watch it in Japanese is . and if u want to watch it in English go to . on the latter one there are many pop-ups. try to get a pop-up blocker if u can.(i hate it when pop-up show up right when something important is happening in the show..-.-)
I love this story! so funny! XD I actally stayed up till 1:40 AM just to keep reading this. I loved it THAT much!(^O^) I love the part about Kenshin being chased by bunnys..X3 Kawaii!(cute!) I still love this anime. I will rewatch it sometime soon i think. in case u want too know. the site's to watch it in Japanese is . and if u want to watch it in English go to . on the latter one there are many pop-ups. try to get a pop-up blocker if u can.(i hate it when pop-up show up right when something important is happening in the show..-.-)
2/12/2008 c16
This story was very amusing. I quite liked the idea of Katsura getting to see a bit of Kenshin's future. Also, the Hiko and Kenshin interesting was rather hilarious.

This story was very amusing. I quite liked the idea of Katsura getting to see a bit of Kenshin's future. Also, the Hiko and Kenshin interesting was rather hilarious.
1/20/2008 c16
wonderful, funny, touching, and we require an epilogue. sessha needs fluffy tenderness and waff-like closure.
or you can leave it, your call.
a delight,

wonderful, funny, touching, and we require an epilogue. sessha needs fluffy tenderness and waff-like closure.
or you can leave it, your call.
a delight,
1/20/2008 c16 Evee-San
yay! an ending! i love this fic, it was my first time-travel fic, and now i'm hooked on them! thanks for the last chapters, and as always, write more!
yay! an ending! i love this fic, it was my first time-travel fic, and now i'm hooked on them! thanks for the last chapters, and as always, write more!
1/20/2008 c16 skenshingumi
You fit a lot into this chapter. I am glad that you had Kenshin have a moment alone with Okami and Katsura. I always felt Kenshin forgiving Katsura was too easy on him but it is in character for Kenshin. I am glad that Hiko did not bend in that area, however. I also like the part that even more than the idea of time travel itself, Katsura realizes that the Bakumatsu Kenshin would never believe them if they indicated he would be willing to dine with Saito.
I like the time loop you set up too, where Katsura makes the fateful decision to have Shishio taken care of after the war because of what he has heard. We know that will only fuel the fire.
You fit a lot into this chapter. I am glad that you had Kenshin have a moment alone with Okami and Katsura. I always felt Kenshin forgiving Katsura was too easy on him but it is in character for Kenshin. I am glad that Hiko did not bend in that area, however. I also like the part that even more than the idea of time travel itself, Katsura realizes that the Bakumatsu Kenshin would never believe them if they indicated he would be willing to dine with Saito.
I like the time loop you set up too, where Katsura makes the fateful decision to have Shishio taken care of after the war because of what he has heard. We know that will only fuel the fire.
1/20/2008 c16 Chairleg01
It was a very well written story with a plot that was unusual. I really enjoyed the concept of the story and I'm very glad you finished it.
It was a very well written story with a plot that was unusual. I really enjoyed the concept of the story and I'm very glad you finished it.