Just In
for What Hurts The Most

6/17/2008 c1 37IntelligentFerretFreak
So did Sango die or did she just go back to the demon slayer's village?
5/24/2007 c1 semi-charmed kinda life
Wow! For someone who says they don't write tragedy that was fantastic. It isn't often that you see a songfic that fits with the song so well, kudos to you and keep up the amazing writing!
9/9/2006 c1 4Shaishimo Kira
sad,but good
8/16/2006 c1 7Bb.rice
Aww... that was so sad... T_T poor Miroku.. where did sango go?

oh by the way, this is the author of Two Cups of Coffee, and when I logged off and checked it, the story is working fine... so you can properly read it now! :)
8/12/2006 c1 3EnchantressRai
I absolutely love that song! And the fic was so wondrously well written! forgot the last chorus to the song...Tis ok though, I forgive you! If it wasn't a oneshot I'd tell you to update, but since it's not...WRITE SOMETHING ELSE WONDIFEROUS ASAP PLEASE!

8/12/2006 c1 23ThyPenOrThySword
YAY! You wrote a sad one! Does this mean that I have to finish that happy one you made me start? Dang, but I'm so much better at sad! Also, who is this 'beta' and why haven't I heard about it? Or have I and I simply forgot...
8/12/2006 c1 3doragon no mizu
Okay, I'm assuming I got this right... Pierre Montierre means something to you, right? If so, I got this right. If not, than you have a lot (I mean an abnormal amount) in common with my friend.

Anyway, great story! Even though you know I'm not into cannon pairings all too much, I like this (I'm horribly into tragedies for some reason). Not that it was all too tragic... just sad.

::hugs:: Oh, and know I'm happy to beta for you too. I figure obsessed reader is... but still. n.n
8/12/2006 c1 51Ark Navy
All I needed to see was the title of this to think "Oh, no they did not..." I LOVE THAT SOONG! ::has it blasting currently:: But I gotta say, what REALLY hurts the most, is the fact that they're hosting a concert AT CREW EFFING STADIUM THIS EFFING SUNDAY DEBUTING THAT EFFING ALBUM and I CAN'T EFFING SEE IT! ::cries::


::ahem:: As far as the story goes, I thought you really associated the story with the lyrics really well. And while I COULD NEVER see Miroku not admitting his love to Sango, it was really cute. The only nag I have is that I think you could've made the lyrics into... well, poetic lyrics instead of just lines. For example:

Gettin' up, gettin' dressed,

Livin' with this regret,

But I know

If I could do it over

I would trade, give away

All the words that I saved in my heart

That I left unspoken.


Oh, and if you like Rascal Flatts as a group, then I HIGHLY suggest you check out their songs: Me and My Gang (seriously the GREATEST SONG EVER!), Love You Out Loud, Fast Cars and Freedom and Skin-if you haven't already. ^^ Keep writin'! ::blasts Me and My Gang::


...And, oh geez, I hope you're the person I think you are. Otherwise this review musta sounded REALLY weird, huh? XD
8/12/2006 c1 153Mira-Jade
Love the song, and it fit Miroku's situation so perfectly.

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