Just In
for Of Lover's Escapades

7/11/2008 c1 1sango103
AWSOME! miroku and sango forever! :D great job!

8/30/2006 c1 3doragon no mizu
Heh. Heh. Hanyou got PWN'D!

I'll have you know, you dern well better appreciate me reading your stories, because I have a hard time reading MirSan. You're so lucky I love ya, otherwise, well... I've already said that, haven't I?

That aside.

Good job!

8/22/2006 c1 4Shaishimo Kira
8/19/2006 c1 6Ze-veil-of-ze-faeries
Wow, this puts my not yet finished Miroku/Sango story to shame! Excellant! Well writen, and enjoyable to read! And all the fluffiness you want! Great job!
8/13/2006 c1 12Absolutely Unsure

YAY! I'm a super fan of fluff, so thank you for fullfilling my needed amount of fluff for the day


-White Fuzzy Ears
8/13/2006 c1 16AnimegirlKiki
That was good. I like the part when Kagome was right (well duh of course she would be she's Kagome!)and won the bet she had with Inuyasha. Good one. i love that monk and demon slayer.

LoL Good job!
8/13/2006 c1 51Ark Navy
FLUFF! ^^ And while there were a few little doo-hickeys here and there with grammar and such, it was still a cute little fluff fic none-the-less. Oh, but you REALLY need to find something to use a dividers between your ANs and the actual fic. I suggest the dashes, but it's up to you. XD
8/13/2006 c1 23ThyPenOrThySword
You don't tell your beta anything. Hmph.

Ok, fine. You did a great job. I don't as much enjoy sudden as much as slowly building up...
8/13/2006 c1 4AmytotheGordon
This is cute! I liked it. This is my favorite couple and my favorite pairs and also they are my favorite characters in the show.
8/13/2006 c1 SpiffyRamenEater
That was so sweet. Though I must admit my favorite part was the bet. :D It was all really good, but there were some mistakes like quotation marks out of place and such that could be fixed. All in all though, great story!

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