Just In
for The Ideal Boyfriend

11/23/2024 c27 Eda
hi jaded! its nearly big 2025! u havent updated since 2017 so that would be nearly 7 years im assuming you got a job and everything now! although ive come to acceptance that u wont update but this fic was super cute. ig we will never know what happened with Orochimaru
9/30/2021 c1 escuadroleahcarla
I need an update ( Д)
8/14/2021 c4 3KarmanamiWeirdo
I don’t have to fuss because here in England we have uniforms
6/23/2021 c2 Annabelle Redcliffe
What did you do with Sakura? She is a beauty, which has been crossed out by many characters more than once. The most beautiful girl in Naruto. I understand in childhood she was the object of poisoned by some bitches, but that was in childhood.
1/8/2021 c27 cloudydesiree
This story is really good i hope you'll continue it.
11/26/2020 c25 Guest
This story is awesome ur a great writer keep it up!
8/5/2020 c27 Doctor Aish
ugh so mad
5/6/2020 c27 Soojung Jung
I’m waiting
11/23/2019 c11 1CherryTheRose
11/8/2019 c1 J-SECTION-L
Bloody hell I thought the first words is a sex scene lol
11/6/2019 c27 ihavenocreativitysolol
i cant believe this
10/29/2019 c27 NesKZAAFE
i need youuuu author-senseiii, what will happen thennn...please updateee
6/6/2019 c27 Ice queen
U want to know what happen next ... did sasuke accept the offer or not? ( I BET HE DID) and what will happen to sakura? Or the others ? .
3/16/2018 c27 Ji Hyun1
Please continue. I HATE that Orochimaru ever since
12/28/2017 c27 Im not telling u
Update the damn story! The WORST cliffhanger... (though I do share your interest in using sadistic toture methods..) Anyway, loved the story in general, I finished it in one day. YAH!
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