Just In
for This Curse

9/1/2006 c1 4Shaishimo Kira
omgsh that rox mi sox!
8/30/2006 c1 3doragon no mizu
Not bad, buddy!

Not perfect, but not bad either. I find poetry to be very hard to capture the essence of and do a half decent one explaining how you feel. And (as I prefer all my poetry to do), it ryhmed! So, overall, good job!

8/16/2006 c1 16AnimegirlKiki
I not much of a poetry person but this was pretty good. It discribes what Miroku is feeling pretty well. Nice job! Later! =)
8/16/2006 c1 25Link Fangirl01
Not bad. I usually see stuff like that about Inuyasha, not Miroku.
8/16/2006 c1 18Jesselynn Garcia
aw that is so cute*

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