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11/26/2016 c14 5ghostyspooks
Please update. v~v
11/4/2013 c14 kerrie
Shame your not updating this anymore.
10/16/2012 c14 Abby Smith
Hiya, Love your story, I'm wishing for more!
10/7/2012 c14 kerrie.a.manning
very interesting, I'm curious who and where she'll end up.
5/12/2012 c1 dragonheart678
really good story
12/11/2011 c14 8The Grim Reeper
"Hi." Lol (quote; "many people don't say hi anymore"). Woot! An update! Raziel is kinda like a teenage boy here, what an idiot. Actually, "moron" crossed my mind at first lol. I really felt bad for Anaya. The thing between her and Mathew is cute, though ;) Can't wait to see more. You did a great job, as always :D Keep up the good work!

12/11/2011 c14 2Azura Soul Reaver
Geez, Raz you idiot! Thanks for updating!
5/4/2010 c13 8The Grim Reeper
Ooh that Turel has always got on my nerves, lol. Razzy need a hug methinks...
1/1/2010 c13 25grisabele
Hey there,

I just read this all the way through and I enjoy the interplay between Raziel and Anaya. I think what I like best, though, is the way that your writing style grows and matures as the story goes on. Well done!
10/29/2009 c13 2Azura Soul Reaver
That was great! That poor guy!
10/26/2009 c13 1Anarchived
Yay! Matthews back! I got soo excited when I hheard you updated! I love this story and the constant sexual tension between Anaya and Raziel is delicious. =3 I can't wait for more! That you for updating! Oh and email me whenever, too!
10/26/2009 c13 3Goddess Of Metal
Yay, you finally updated. I actually like the different way of writing, keep it up.
10/24/2009 c13 Dante's blade
Well well, you came back! XD

You could use that for a plot, some conspiration againts kain from one of the brothers or something like that maybe againts Raziel on his own empire or from his brothers, since raziel is one of the important characters here

Well, update soon please hehe sorry, i got no comments besides that XD
10/24/2009 c13 5The Black Widow1
Not bad, I don't recall Raziel buying Mathew but *shrug* I can't wait to see Anaya's reaction to finding out that he bought her friend ... and then sold him *rubs hands together with an evil grin* oh this'll be good.
10/4/2009 c2 1Anarchived
hahaha I loved the dung in the mouth part! =3 I hate girls like that! I'm loving your character more and more!
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