3/11/2016 c14 Roger Ramjet
I Tried The Captain Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies And Those PieGasams Healed All My
Symptoms Within The First 4-Weeks! I highly Recommend Captain Kutchie’s
Key Lime Pies For Anything That Ails You!….(“They’re Great”!.)..
…Kobe Bryant May Be Retiring From Basket Ball But Captain Kutchie’s Is Still His Pie Of Choice!…
…Can’t Get Enough Of That Key Lime Pie, Key Lime Pie, Key Lime Pie. Can’t Get Enough Of That Key Lime Pie Or I’ll Just Cry Until I Die, I Don’t Know Why I Just Love My Key Lime Pies!….
…This Key Lime Pie Is For Our Old Friend, “The Late Great MEADOWLARK LEMON”!…RIP OLD BUDDY!…Keep Spinning Those Pies Dude!…
..This Key Lime Pie Goes Out-Too Our Other Buddy “GLENN FREY”!….Rock and Roll Heaven Just Keeps Feeling Up!….So Glenn,….Take It Easy Buddy. Or As You Always Said, You’ll Take It Anyway You Can Get It!…
..And We Hate To Sound Like A Broken Record But Here Is A Key Lime Pie For Our Buddy “Maurice White”, Founder Of The Great Group “Earth, Wind and Fire”!..Rest In Peace Dude.
…This Key Lime Pie Award Goes To A Very Great American As Well As The Judge That First Declared Anita and Kutchie Pelaez’s “The Official Key Lime Pies of America”!..”The Great Antonin Scalia U.S. Supreme Court Justice…. RIP, Judge!…
…that “Captain Kutchie Pelaez” of “Kutcharitaville” over
in Asheville, NC sure enough is “One Wild and Crazy Guy!” All the women
are so wild about him and his Famous Cheese Burgers and Key Lime Pies,
Hellaciously Fantastic Tender and Delicious Prime Ribs and Prime Steaks.
Drop Off the Bone Bar-B-Q Ribs, Pulled Pork and Beef Brisket
His Drop Dead Gorgeous Wife “Anita” together in they’re Historic Key
Lime Pie Factory and Grill, where the Smiles and Ovens are always Warm
and Friendly, Inviting You to Spend A Little Time Resting and Enjoying
Your Time in They’re Little “Key West Island” near the Biltmore Estate
Close By…Kutcharitaville Cafe' Where It's Always 5-O-Clock!...
….Kind of Funny You Know, The World’s Greatest Key Lime Pies Aren’t
Even Baked In The Keys But At Kutcharitaville By Captain Kutchie
Pelaez and His Lovely Wife Anita In The Carolina Mountains!….Go
…"Kutch", Is The “CAPTAIN” That Put The “SOUL” In SOUL FOOD!…Who Would Have Thought That?…
..’Chef ‘ Kutchie Pelaez’s Kutcharitaville Cafe’, “Where Eating Is A Pleasure And Cooking Is An Art”….. Hell, "Chef Kutchie Pelaez" Has More Talent In His Toe-Nail Clippings Than All The Others Have In Their Entire Bodies!..
You’ll Soon Learn Why People Call “Captain Kutchie
Pelaez “The Most Interesting Man In The World!”…But don’t take our word
for it, follow the Long Lines to “Anita and Captain Kutchie Pelaez’s Key
West-Kutcharitaville Key Lime Pie Factory and Grill’. “The Place To Be”
since 1976!..
Don’t be fooled into thinking that Jimmy Buffett
designed or had anything to do with this place. Just Ask Miss Sunshine Smith! That would be an insult To The "Captain"! Kutchie’s was here long before anyone ever heard of JB…Sheesh!..
Donald Trump loves KUTCHARITAVILLE so much that he often has take-out
flown to him in NEW YORK CITY! WOW! He must really love those Original
Cheese Burgers in Paradise, we sure do, they have our Vote for Sure.
My best friend said she heard last week that Donald Trump and Stephen
Colbert together are planing on a Welcome to the USA Party for “Pope Francis”
to be held soon over in Asheville, NC at “Kutcharitaville”.
Some party that will be for sure!.
Think, I’ll just get all the girls together and we can all Nude-Up and
go too “Captain Kutchie’s” and Get Drunk and Screw! Let’s Go Y’all!
Captain Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies Are World Famous For Giving Everyone
That Eats Them They’re Very First “PIEGASAM”….That’s Probably why one
must be over 18 years of age to purchase one or have an adult present.
…Oh and all that Great Fall Off The Bone Bar-B-Q Slow Smoking Beef Briskets, Pork Ribs, Shoulders and Pork Butts…“Carly
Fiorino” say’s that she Can Smell They’re Butts Miles Away!….Or Maybe She
Was Just Smelling “Hillary”!…..OMG?.
…The Late Great “Captain Tony Tarracino” of Key West Fame was an Old
Friend of “Captain Kutchie Pelaez”. Together the two of them Sailed Many
Adventures Not Known To Much Of The World! Cheese Burgers, Rum, Scotch,
Cigarettes, Cigars, Treasure Maps, Pizzas, Chocolate Bars and Key Lime
Pies Helped The Two Make History. If You Can Believe It Even “Mel
Fisher” Was Known To Hang With Them!….
Captain Kutchie The Key Lime Pie Whisperer!…
Thank “GOD” That Noah Had Two of Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies On That Ark!….
And Don’t Forget “Ernest Hemingway’s” (Original Thinking Post) ! There
Was Only One And “Captain Kutchie” Has It. Don’t Miss It.
..Hillary Sucks!….Bill Does Too!….I Feel His Pain, Don’t You?…And "Jebio", Yeah, "Little Marco" Really Sucks Too! Just Ask "Chris Christie"...
..And Why Is "Little Marco" So Interested In What "Donald Trump" Has Between His Legs Anyway? "Yeah," What's Up With That?...And "Ted Cruz," Dude, What Have You Got To Lose But A Hawk Nose, Maybe A Women With Some Booze And The Cigarette Blues, Whatever You Chose, You Still Lose!...You And Little Marco Make "Trump" Feel Like A "Cuban Sandwich". Feel The Bern?...
..Captain Kutchie Pelaez For President And Anita Pelaez For First Lady!
They Will Put A Key Lime Pie and A Gallon Of Fresh Kutcharita’s in Every Refrigerator!….
..Oh, I Forgot One,….That Chuck Todd Sucks Too!….That Sleazy Eyed Gutter Snipper!….Sheesh Give Me A Break!…Where Did They Find That Moron?..Such A Smuck!..
Kutchie Pelaez”,….Who Loves You Pretty Baby!,…Who, Who,
Who!…Everybody Does!…We Loved Your Movies Too, Please Make Some
More. All Your Fan Base Loves You “Captain Kutch”!….
…And Like You Said Captain Kutch…..No More Clinton’s, …No More Obama’s, and… No More Bush’s/ (Vito Corleone)! , Or "Jebio Rubio Marco". No More First-Term " " Senators!...
..And Now, They're All Trying to Paint "Donald Trump" As Being So Bad That He Is "Ronald Reagan" INCARNATE. One Would Think That This Was The 80's Again! And Listening To "Mitt Romney" Whining You Would Think That He Was Some Kind Of "Mormon Moron!"...What A Sore Loser...Just Look At The Numbers On Both Sides "People"!...(It Has To Be Because Of "Donald Trump" If You Ask Me.)..even if you don't ask me And You Didn't...just look...
..Talk About Snake’s In The Grass, We Sure Do Have Enough Of Them For A Lifetime!…
Now That’s What I’m Talking About!…
…Praise The Lord And God Bless The USA!….So Don’t Worry Mon, Bee Happy!….
Just Hasn’t Been Very Funny Since Captain Kutchie Got Mad That Night,
Got His Key Lime Pies Packed Back-Up And Stomped-Out With Them Under His
Arms!…Yeah, What Was All That About?…Wonder What Lorne Michaels and Larry David Thought About Them Apples!…
…Hillary, Doesn’t Think That She Has Ever Lied And Doesn’t Think That She Ever Will! .. Are You Still Interested In Buying That Property For Sale Down In The Everglades?…
..We're Not All On The Same Boat But We're All On The Same Wave-Length!...
I Tried The Captain Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies And Those PieGasams Healed All My
Symptoms Within The First 4-Weeks! I highly Recommend Captain Kutchie’s
Key Lime Pies For Anything That Ails You!….(“They’re Great”!.)..
…Kobe Bryant May Be Retiring From Basket Ball But Captain Kutchie’s Is Still His Pie Of Choice!…
…Can’t Get Enough Of That Key Lime Pie, Key Lime Pie, Key Lime Pie. Can’t Get Enough Of That Key Lime Pie Or I’ll Just Cry Until I Die, I Don’t Know Why I Just Love My Key Lime Pies!….
…This Key Lime Pie Is For Our Old Friend, “The Late Great MEADOWLARK LEMON”!…RIP OLD BUDDY!…Keep Spinning Those Pies Dude!…
..This Key Lime Pie Goes Out-Too Our Other Buddy “GLENN FREY”!….Rock and Roll Heaven Just Keeps Feeling Up!….So Glenn,….Take It Easy Buddy. Or As You Always Said, You’ll Take It Anyway You Can Get It!…
..And We Hate To Sound Like A Broken Record But Here Is A Key Lime Pie For Our Buddy “Maurice White”, Founder Of The Great Group “Earth, Wind and Fire”!..Rest In Peace Dude.
…This Key Lime Pie Award Goes To A Very Great American As Well As The Judge That First Declared Anita and Kutchie Pelaez’s “The Official Key Lime Pies of America”!..”The Great Antonin Scalia U.S. Supreme Court Justice…. RIP, Judge!…
…that “Captain Kutchie Pelaez” of “Kutcharitaville” over
in Asheville, NC sure enough is “One Wild and Crazy Guy!” All the women
are so wild about him and his Famous Cheese Burgers and Key Lime Pies,
Hellaciously Fantastic Tender and Delicious Prime Ribs and Prime Steaks.
Drop Off the Bone Bar-B-Q Ribs, Pulled Pork and Beef Brisket
His Drop Dead Gorgeous Wife “Anita” together in they’re Historic Key
Lime Pie Factory and Grill, where the Smiles and Ovens are always Warm
and Friendly, Inviting You to Spend A Little Time Resting and Enjoying
Your Time in They’re Little “Key West Island” near the Biltmore Estate
Close By…Kutcharitaville Cafe' Where It's Always 5-O-Clock!...
….Kind of Funny You Know, The World’s Greatest Key Lime Pies Aren’t
Even Baked In The Keys But At Kutcharitaville By Captain Kutchie
Pelaez and His Lovely Wife Anita In The Carolina Mountains!….Go
…"Kutch", Is The “CAPTAIN” That Put The “SOUL” In SOUL FOOD!…Who Would Have Thought That?…
..’Chef ‘ Kutchie Pelaez’s Kutcharitaville Cafe’, “Where Eating Is A Pleasure And Cooking Is An Art”….. Hell, "Chef Kutchie Pelaez" Has More Talent In His Toe-Nail Clippings Than All The Others Have In Their Entire Bodies!..
You’ll Soon Learn Why People Call “Captain Kutchie
Pelaez “The Most Interesting Man In The World!”…But don’t take our word
for it, follow the Long Lines to “Anita and Captain Kutchie Pelaez’s Key
West-Kutcharitaville Key Lime Pie Factory and Grill’. “The Place To Be”
since 1976!..
Don’t be fooled into thinking that Jimmy Buffett
designed or had anything to do with this place. Just Ask Miss Sunshine Smith! That would be an insult To The "Captain"! Kutchie’s was here long before anyone ever heard of JB…Sheesh!..
Donald Trump loves KUTCHARITAVILLE so much that he often has take-out
flown to him in NEW YORK CITY! WOW! He must really love those Original
Cheese Burgers in Paradise, we sure do, they have our Vote for Sure.
My best friend said she heard last week that Donald Trump and Stephen
Colbert together are planing on a Welcome to the USA Party for “Pope Francis”
to be held soon over in Asheville, NC at “Kutcharitaville”.
Some party that will be for sure!.
Think, I’ll just get all the girls together and we can all Nude-Up and
go too “Captain Kutchie’s” and Get Drunk and Screw! Let’s Go Y’all!
Captain Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies Are World Famous For Giving Everyone
That Eats Them They’re Very First “PIEGASAM”….That’s Probably why one
must be over 18 years of age to purchase one or have an adult present.
…Oh and all that Great Fall Off The Bone Bar-B-Q Slow Smoking Beef Briskets, Pork Ribs, Shoulders and Pork Butts…“Carly
Fiorino” say’s that she Can Smell They’re Butts Miles Away!….Or Maybe She
Was Just Smelling “Hillary”!…..OMG?.
…The Late Great “Captain Tony Tarracino” of Key West Fame was an Old
Friend of “Captain Kutchie Pelaez”. Together the two of them Sailed Many
Adventures Not Known To Much Of The World! Cheese Burgers, Rum, Scotch,
Cigarettes, Cigars, Treasure Maps, Pizzas, Chocolate Bars and Key Lime
Pies Helped The Two Make History. If You Can Believe It Even “Mel
Fisher” Was Known To Hang With Them!….
Captain Kutchie The Key Lime Pie Whisperer!…
Thank “GOD” That Noah Had Two of Kutchie’s Key Lime Pies On That Ark!….
And Don’t Forget “Ernest Hemingway’s” (Original Thinking Post) ! There
Was Only One And “Captain Kutchie” Has It. Don’t Miss It.
..Hillary Sucks!….Bill Does Too!….I Feel His Pain, Don’t You?…And "Jebio", Yeah, "Little Marco" Really Sucks Too! Just Ask "Chris Christie"...
..And Why Is "Little Marco" So Interested In What "Donald Trump" Has Between His Legs Anyway? "Yeah," What's Up With That?...And "Ted Cruz," Dude, What Have You Got To Lose But A Hawk Nose, Maybe A Women With Some Booze And The Cigarette Blues, Whatever You Chose, You Still Lose!...You And Little Marco Make "Trump" Feel Like A "Cuban Sandwich". Feel The Bern?...
..Captain Kutchie Pelaez For President And Anita Pelaez For First Lady!
They Will Put A Key Lime Pie and A Gallon Of Fresh Kutcharita’s in Every Refrigerator!….
..Oh, I Forgot One,….That Chuck Todd Sucks Too!….That Sleazy Eyed Gutter Snipper!….Sheesh Give Me A Break!…Where Did They Find That Moron?..Such A Smuck!..
Kutchie Pelaez”,….Who Loves You Pretty Baby!,…Who, Who,
Who!…Everybody Does!…We Loved Your Movies Too, Please Make Some
More. All Your Fan Base Loves You “Captain Kutch”!….
…And Like You Said Captain Kutch…..No More Clinton’s, …No More Obama’s, and… No More Bush’s/ (Vito Corleone)! , Or "Jebio Rubio Marco". No More First-Term " " Senators!...
..And Now, They're All Trying to Paint "Donald Trump" As Being So Bad That He Is "Ronald Reagan" INCARNATE. One Would Think That This Was The 80's Again! And Listening To "Mitt Romney" Whining You Would Think That He Was Some Kind Of "Mormon Moron!"...What A Sore Loser...Just Look At The Numbers On Both Sides "People"!...(It Has To Be Because Of "Donald Trump" If You Ask Me.)..even if you don't ask me And You Didn't...just look...
..Talk About Snake’s In The Grass, We Sure Do Have Enough Of Them For A Lifetime!…
Now That’s What I’m Talking About!…
…Praise The Lord And God Bless The USA!….So Don’t Worry Mon, Bee Happy!….
Just Hasn’t Been Very Funny Since Captain Kutchie Got Mad That Night,
Got His Key Lime Pies Packed Back-Up And Stomped-Out With Them Under His
Arms!…Yeah, What Was All That About?…Wonder What Lorne Michaels and Larry David Thought About Them Apples!…
…Hillary, Doesn’t Think That She Has Ever Lied And Doesn’t Think That She Ever Will! .. Are You Still Interested In Buying That Property For Sale Down In The Everglades?…
..We're Not All On The Same Boat But We're All On The Same Wave-Length!...
3/5/2014 c36 TheDivaDivine
Please continue to write this story. The story is amazing and I so look forward to seeing how it will end. The chemistry between Braton and Bonnie is amazing and I so want to know how it will end for both of them.
Please continue to write this story. The story is amazing and I so look forward to seeing how it will end. The chemistry between Braton and Bonnie is amazing and I so want to know how it will end for both of them.
9/8/2013 c35 12KLMG
Oh thank goodness! You updated. I can't wait to read more, your story is amazing.
Oh thank goodness! You updated. I can't wait to read more, your story is amazing.
9/8/2013 c35 TheDivaDivine
I like this chapter. Very excellent teen angst and sexual tension between Bonnie and Braton. I really like this story and hope you will continue updating.
I like this chapter. Very excellent teen angst and sexual tension between Bonnie and Braton. I really like this story and hope you will continue updating.
9/8/2013 c21 Guest
Omg amazing!
Omg amazing!
2/18/2012 c34 TheDivaDivine
I was sorry to hear that at one time you have given up on this story. I love the original characters and the overall main story line. This story deserves to be finish. I am curious about what will happen to Casey and Trevor and Bonnie and Briton. It is a beauty story and I hope you are able to finish it for those people who have patiently waited for your updates. I have followed this story from the very beginning and you are talented enough to give it a beautiful ending.
I was sorry to hear that at one time you have given up on this story. I love the original characters and the overall main story line. This story deserves to be finish. I am curious about what will happen to Casey and Trevor and Bonnie and Briton. It is a beauty story and I hope you are able to finish it for those people who have patiently waited for your updates. I have followed this story from the very beginning and you are talented enough to give it a beautiful ending.
10/24/2011 c33 2BreakingOfDawn
please continue! been waiting forever for you to release another chapter but nothing comes up for month now! please! i love it so much and it cannot end this way!
please continue! been waiting forever for you to release another chapter but nothing comes up for month now! please! i love it so much and it cannot end this way!
8/20/2011 c33 Maria Alicia Diaz
PLEASE! you HAVE to update this again soon! PLEASE!
- Maria A. Díaz who is DYING to read more!
PLEASE! you HAVE to update this again soon! PLEASE!
- Maria A. Díaz who is DYING to read more!
3/14/2011 c33 Ahhbby
This is an awesome story!
You know what else would be awesome... IF YOU UPDATED!
This is an awesome story!
You know what else would be awesome... IF YOU UPDATED!
10/21/2010 c32 1live9laugh9love1
Please update soon. I just found this story and it is really good. I hope you have more Hermione/Ron and Bonnie/Braton scenes soon. I really enjoyed reading your stories so far!
Please update soon. I just found this story and it is really good. I hope you have more Hermione/Ron and Bonnie/Braton scenes soon. I really enjoyed reading your stories so far!
9/16/2010 c32 fmiles
I had read all your stories and I did enjoy them very much. I think you have a great story here and u develop it very well.. I really hope u keep updating it so we can keep enjoying your imagination. Thanks
I had read all your stories and I did enjoy them very much. I think you have a great story here and u develop it very well.. I really hope u keep updating it so we can keep enjoying your imagination. Thanks
1/10/2010 c31 TheDivaDivine
What? All Braton had to say was "he better not hurt her" has he all but given up on the girl gesh. Braton need to grow more of a spine. It is interesting of the fact that Braton do not like being a Slytherin anymore. I am wondering how Bonnie and Braton will ever find time together with them being in separate houses and rival houses at that. I am speaking more from a fan perspective and less like a critic cause I really like where this story is going. Keep up the good work. It is hard to create anyst tension if they have no excuse to see each other.
What? All Braton had to say was "he better not hurt her" has he all but given up on the girl gesh. Braton need to grow more of a spine. It is interesting of the fact that Braton do not like being a Slytherin anymore. I am wondering how Bonnie and Braton will ever find time together with them being in separate houses and rival houses at that. I am speaking more from a fan perspective and less like a critic cause I really like where this story is going. Keep up the good work. It is hard to create anyst tension if they have no excuse to see each other.
12/31/2009 c30 TheDivaDivine
I love how Briton and Bonnie have developed a bond with each other even though they were seldom together in this chapter. There need for one another is obvious even though they are not aware of how much. This was an excellent transitioning chapter away from the incident into how to develop and new sense of normal after the incident. Excellent chapter and I don't have any negative comments at all which is rare for me. I love how this chapter was written.
I love how Briton and Bonnie have developed a bond with each other even though they were seldom together in this chapter. There need for one another is obvious even though they are not aware of how much. This was an excellent transitioning chapter away from the incident into how to develop and new sense of normal after the incident. Excellent chapter and I don't have any negative comments at all which is rare for me. I love how this chapter was written.
9/16/2009 c29 TheDivaDivine
I like the chapter but somehow I can't help but feel a little sorry for Briton. Briton has lost the only family that he every known. Even though he is with the Weasley I think he feels more that he has to pay the Weasley back just to not be in prison rather than to continue to live his life as a normal boy wood given the circumstances of his past. I can see Brition trying to become a perfectionist for fear of the Weasley rejecting him or treating him badly like his father did. There is so many twist and turns you could make with this story at this point. I am glad that you are allowing Bonnie to discover that even though her living nightmare is over, she will still has issues as a result of her experience. I feel the same thing may happen to Briton. I am wondering what is it going to take to break the mold for Briton to make friends with Bonnie's friends and for Bonnie to admit that something is going on between her and him. My gut tells me that Bonnie won't realize how Briton feels until she is with someone else. It is funny how a certain phase
I like the chapter but somehow I can't help but feel a little sorry for Briton. Briton has lost the only family that he every known. Even though he is with the Weasley I think he feels more that he has to pay the Weasley back just to not be in prison rather than to continue to live his life as a normal boy wood given the circumstances of his past. I can see Brition trying to become a perfectionist for fear of the Weasley rejecting him or treating him badly like his father did. There is so many twist and turns you could make with this story at this point. I am glad that you are allowing Bonnie to discover that even though her living nightmare is over, she will still has issues as a result of her experience. I feel the same thing may happen to Briton. I am wondering what is it going to take to break the mold for Briton to make friends with Bonnie's friends and for Bonnie to admit that something is going on between her and him. My gut tells me that Bonnie won't realize how Briton feels until she is with someone else. It is funny how a certain phase