Just In
for Paralysed

12/29/2018 c1 Coffeeeeeeeeeeee
No, I'm NOT crying, my eyes are just leaking water…
7/27/2015 c1 Guest
This was masterfully written, really; but did you /have/ to write such a depressing piece? Oh, god, you made me cry.
10/24/2014 c1 Wolfy
I love it. I was sad that Sirius couldnt help Harry in his later battles. Do not delete this fic.
9/27/2012 c1 10Pounce the Cat
This is so sad! D:
7/6/2012 c1 2042014
That was pretty deep! Good Story!
2/15/2010 c1 25laumeidelfin
I'm pretty much bawling my eyes out right now, which doesn't happen to me often. I'm depressed and this reached out to me like no other fucking god, thank you so much. You did such a wonderful job with this. I'm surprised you thought you wouldn't get many reviews.
12/24/2009 c1 daliabean
whoa! sweet one shot! hey can you continue? make it like a two shot or something. it would be interesting when sirius gets to see harry again.
4/21/2009 c1 Cassandra30
Totally different take on the whole situation. Very inventive.
1/28/2009 c1 smiley12cool
omgg, it was awesome! SO TOTALLY SADD!

and dont tell people that u'll delete ur story if u dont get reviews, thats stupid
5/10/2008 c1 Kari Kamiya10
don't delete this one, i think it was well written, but of course i like harry potter anyways so maybe i'm a bit biased. hehe

I really liked it!
3/9/2008 c1 2MonykaRules
You make me cry (that's not fair)I think you really capture Sirius spirit and I totally believe he would feel that way. like your storie don't delete it please
2/9/2008 c1 Jay Jay
Oh My God!

This story is just amazing! I feel like I'm going to cry! WOW! Just Wow!
8/17/2007 c1 nlg
that was realy good but sad, Hey at least they were together again in the end right! GREAT JOB!
6/3/2007 c1 scarlet dreamer
tragically beutiful man i'm still sad about sirius'death i don't know how i'm gonna watch the ootp and not bawl my eyes out in the cinema
5/13/2007 c1 helbaffy
wow... that was beautiful.. tragic, but beautiful! ... :)
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