Just In
for Gratitude

8/10/2012 c1 12Kingsdaughter613
Ah Melkor... Everything you do serves a greater purpose... no matter how you try to warp the song of time.
10/9/2006 c1 6Yavie Feels Pretty
M... Disturbing. But then, the mind of Melkor has to be something akin to this, I'll wager.

Really well written, I was surprised that someone could fit so much emotion and explaination into such a short piece.
9/7/2006 c1 13Rhapsody the Bard
Very nice, I recognised Manwe and Melkor instantly. The last line is very nice... we all what will happen next!
9/6/2006 c1 30J.S. Mews
Nice! Morgoth is yelling at Iluvatar is my guess in this scenario. Morgoth is awesome though! ^.^

Roses and rings,

9/3/2006 c1 1Nessa Ar-Fieneil
Manwe and Melkor?
8/29/2006 c1 sadli'lsally
Very sweet:o) If you want to make this nice thing the prologue to something longer then I will surely read it because this is a uh...partnership I have much interest in.
8/27/2006 c1 34Elfique
oo very interesting, I like it - especially the last line.
8/22/2006 c1 53Ellfine
Very good!
8/22/2006 c1 13Araiona Dubois
...I knew it was about Morgoth! and then all thoughts were confirmed at the last line... what way is he going to show gradtitude?

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