Just In
for Kitty Love

12/18/2010 c2 0214124120pas
hey mate can you keep doing this story its great it if you cant can you send it to me
9/21/2009 c2 30Dragonlover71491
you should really update this...
2/8/2007 c2 36fanficismything
Is that cat like Sango or something?
1/28/2007 c2 2Sango7658
Aw. That so cute .
10/1/2006 c2 3doragon no mizu
Oh, I hadn't even realized that you updated. Heh. Good chapter! Short, but nonetheless, good.

Can't wait to see how "my character" rolls into play. This will be interesting. And you better dern well remember what I'm talkin' about.

::eye twitches::

9/30/2006 c2 6Shika's Rape Victim
this seems pretty interesting.

what?is it like,sangos a cat?cause that cat sure seems like her!xDD
9/18/2006 c2 7DarkBeastGanon
Please update soon... it's a really good story...
9/11/2006 c2 8CiceroGuided
hehe. I can't wait for more! Update soon!

9/10/2006 c2 2DarkAnimeAngel003
I think I know what's going to happen...update soon!
9/8/2006 c2 Demon Exterminator Barbie
Well, i'm asuming that the cat is really Sango, but I don't really know how that will work out in the story... Will she change into a human, or will there be flashbacks, maybe? I can't wait to find out!
9/8/2006 c2 14loha
Okay Otakuobsession93. Login, click reviews, and enable anonomous revies. Do that by clicking on anonomous reviews. This a good story. Let me guess Sango is the cat. She acts a lot like her.
8/30/2006 c1 3doragon no mizu
Wow. You seem to know more about cats than I pinned you down for. I, madam, tip my hat to you... that is... if I had a hat on.

Good job!


::maniacal face:: Heh heh, I'll give ya MISO!
8/29/2006 c1 10Jasane-chan
i love cats but unfortunatly i'm allergic T_T

but i like dogs better anyway(no offence) ^_^

Good start, keep goin
8/29/2006 c1 SpiffyRamenEater
Oh, that was sweet. I loved the little “break it, you buy it” part. Of course it was really sweet when he said he wanted to try to get the cat to like him. Knowing you that is a total MirSan comment. So cute, I love it!
8/28/2006 c1 42Iggy - Essence of Angst
Okay. I am going to do two things. First of all, I can't seem to reply to your response of my review, as it seems you do not allow the PMing feature to be turned on. Nor do you have your e-mail displayed.

1. Foul language is common in the real world. I was actually pretty nice to you, considering that most people just abuse the F and S words when they see fanfic they don't consider above decent level. And I wasn't calling YOU a bitch. I was referring to the fact that, upon receiving my review, you would think -I- was one. You probably do right now, but I gave my reasons for criticising your work.

2. Okay. So you got an idea and you wanted to write it out as it came to you. That's fine. But no one is forcing you to post right away! And if you didn't post it right away... then why didn't you take the time to go through it a bit more, add some detail?

3. An AU means Alternate Universe, where you can play around with the characters and alter who they are in a bit that helps to parallel their personalities with their life experiences in that particular timeline. Miroku should still seem like Miroku. Sango should still seem like herself. In the Feudal Era, Miroku is a charming pervert. In an AU however, even though he doesn't ask people to bear his child or use that excuse whenever he's been caught flirting, he's still himself. He still gropes other women. He's not the exact same person, but what makes the general essence of him as Miroku still exists in that timeline. What I was trying to say was that your characters were in-character, but just enough so that their personalities barely scratched the surface. I didn't sense anything in-depth.

4. It seems I was a little condescending, wasn't I? But I don't like to sugar-coat things. If something is barely decent, I will tell that person. I like to read nice ficcage, and in Inuyasha, there are just so many teenagers who upload for the heck of it that I honestly don't want to take the time to sugar-coat everything and be a nice woman. I review because I like to see people improve. Reviewing doesn't mean I have to praise, as many people like to think.

5. What is your definition of a flame? Okay to the "parentheses" thing.

6. Well, you see, when I see the sentence "Oh, and no flames, okay?", it makes me think of a person who simply posts their fic for the fun of it, expecting to get endless amounts of praise to the heavens. More than half the people in this fandom cannot tell what a flame is, so when I see the word "flame" used in an author's note I usually provide a definition. Besides, with all the "Please" words spread in a part of your fic, it made me think of someone who wrote it when they were high on sugar. There are the options to use italics to emphasize a written word.

7. Nope, it looks much better now.

All I am saying is that you desperately needed more description for that story. Yes, I could have done it in a more sensitive way, so why didn't I? Again, I repeat there are too many authors out there who don't know the difference between an actual story and a one-page piece of text written while on a sugar-high. Most don't care about the criticism.

Now, as for THIS story, it is much better. A little short, but better. Although I am still not sure why you didn't apply the same amount of detailing care to your other fic as you did this one. It makes for a more pleasant read.

Your grammar and spelling are considerable good, although your punctuation still needs a bit more work. But overall, your writing in this story is fairly decent. I think the story is still a little rushed, but it's definitely better than before. I could picture the scenario this time.

Nice job.

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