Just In
for One Summer's Day

2/16/2007 c2 24dragon agility
omg, you must continue! I can't wait for more!
2/15/2007 c2 18Jagwarakit
*snickers* OMGosh, please say you'll be continuing this. What did he mean when he said his power was returning? Is he coming back to life or something?
2/14/2007 c2 6UnknownShinobi
"Power"? O... Sakura's really mean, poor Naru-kun!
2/14/2007 c2 5Krokedans
Hurry up and update. love it
12/24/2006 c1 GaaraSarcasm
HAHA Kakashi as a mother! XD the poor child XD lol
11/11/2006 c1 4Riana
I really thought this story is cute!
10/12/2006 c1 11darken room
oh wow that was sweet I really liked it I hope you write more like this.
9/24/2006 c1 7scrutinize
oh, this was just adorable and sweet.

keep up the good work~
9/5/2006 c1 1Emma C Oliver
great story keep up the great work, you should do a version with obito and/or rin :D
9/4/2006 c1 7Mena404
Great story! I get it ~_~
8/30/2006 c1 23PsychoLeopard
That's rather cute.
8/30/2006 c1 7littleclevercat
It's really nice one-shot! Naruto, Kakashi and Yondaime are so in character! Good job!^_^
8/29/2006 c1 4TheAkatsukiiscoming
this is a good one... (-,-)
8/29/2006 c1 December Jewel
It makes me sad that this is only a one-shot... I love it, though! I wish it would happen in the anime/manga. That would be great! Good Job! ^_^
8/29/2006 c1 Lynn
LMAO, Kakashi as the worlds greatest mom! lol, that was a good one. Anyways, I think that you did a verry good job on it; weather you choose to continue on with an actuall story or leaving it as a one-shot; I loved it!
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