Just In
for Fire and Feather

2/20/2008 c3 loretta537
this is such a good story! please update it soon i want to find out what happens.
7/5/2007 c3 gamingbookworm
Well Riversong seems to have a right problem on her hands. Especially since mindspeech seems to hurt Kaia. Wonder why? So very curious... Please update soon!
6/30/2007 c3 3storylistener
This was a WONDERFUL chapter! I really really really want to read more! I assume the white shape that talked to her is a bondnird and that it hurt because it's a new Gift. Who's Bondbird? Please WRITE MORE SOON!
6/27/2007 c3 62Stormshadow13
This was a great chapter. I can't wait to se what is going to happen.
6/27/2007 c3 Kathleen G McCrory
Good start for your first story.I will watch for the next chapter.Background needs fleshing out some for both of the main characters
6/26/2007 c3 22sparkyCSI
I love it! I can't wait for the next chapter. By the way...You can make the page breaks when you upload the document into document manager. On the tool bar (where it has bold and such) there is one that has a line. Just hit that button and it will insert a line. :D Hope that helps!
6/26/2007 c3 1GinaStar
AAW! how sweet! The hawkbrothers try to make everyone think they are so mean..but they have kind hearts ;)
6/26/2007 c3 ginalee
I was really happy to see you posted another chapter. This is a very interesting story - you write good characters. Please write another chapter soon!
4/27/2007 c2 Warbender
Interesting plot bunny development. want to see where this goes. (should be a decent plate of plot bunny stew after this is finnished)
2/6/2007 c2 62Stormshadow13
I do like this story and think you should write more. You are doing a very good job, Keep up the good work.
1/7/2007 c2 10Mad-4-Manga
I LOVE this! ^^

There just isn't enough Tayledras fanfiction~
12/24/2006 c2 1Solar Mage
loved it, totally a great story so far. Please update soon I can't wait to see what happens next.
12/12/2006 c2 3storylistener
This was a WONDERFUL chapter! It flowed nicely from the last one and made a good impression of its own. As for those "line break thingies", which are called page breaks to the best of my knowledge, I think you just use the underscore button over and over again. It is 2 buttons left of the Backspace button or just to the right of the 0 button and you have to hold the shift button to make _ this _. Good Job!
12/10/2006 c2 3Neverfall
Basically, Pelagirs is the Pelagir(s?) Hills and Pelagiris (has an extra 'i') is the name of the forest that the Tayledras live in. I'm pretty sure that that's it, as I don't have a map of Velgarth in any of the books near my right now. Pelagirs is (I'm pretty sure) the place that most of the weird things come from...I think that it's one of the areas most affected by the Mage Storms.

I like Riversong so far-she seems like the type of person I really love to read about. It's going to be interestin, seeing what happens between Kaia and the Tayledras.
12/10/2006 c2 GinaLee
This is a very interesting story - please continue!
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