Just In
for A Soul and a Half

12/20/2012 c1 4ForgerOfLies
Interesting... But I'd like to suggest that you break up the humongous paragraph in the middle. I... I was a bit put off bout that. But It's good nonetheless.

Also. A few spelling mistakes such as Truely- truly and such, just run in on a word sofware. If you don't have any I would suggest using Google Drive! It's what I use, it's free and useful haha.

Forgeroflies ;d
3/20/2010 c1 syfy
11/19/2007 c1 Terance
please update this story i want to find out what happens
11/19/2007 c1 Robed Skeleton
So far, the story looks good, where Harry becomes a full metamorphmagus whilst also turning into a girl.

I know that there have been 'Harry uses metamorph abilities to turn into a girl' stories, but nobody has used a twin to do this.

Why not try to continue this story, along with giving the sister a name?
6/19/2007 c1 that1
I can see you taking this all kinds of directions.

Keep it up!
6/18/2007 c1 terry
Oh! Now that you updated "Of Power and Change" could you add to this story too? I liked it and find the premise to be original with lots of room for humor.
5/21/2007 c1 Ocean Bacon
Good for no word processing software so far, you're bound to find out a way to get one soon; and a HarryHermione relationship would be nice, although I have not read much HP Fanfics so I really have no opinion on this as of late :/ I have to read the series again but from what you've written I can understand where the story is easily. Good job, keep writing and i'll check back if you don't just tell me that you updated (IF you do decide to continue) and i'll keep reading as long as this goes. I'm not gonna start your other fic because i'm too late to start reading up on it already and I don't feel like shielding my eyes with that blasted M for Mature thing . it's just hassle lol.

PS. Thanks for the anime :P You know who I am xDD
2/5/2007 c1 JustAReader
very interesting and unique please continue this story. I think Luna would most likely be the best match for this kind of situation.
1/22/2007 c1 1Dblej
12/21/2006 c1 2murgel
Quite a potential! this should not be abandoned
9/22/2006 c1 1Bukama Stealth
Interesting idea. I'm rather curious were you'll take this.

As for the name I'd suggest a flower, like Rose, to keep with tradition and all.

I think the only one who'd be able to understand and life with it would be Hermione so she's my choice pairing.

Just one more thing. Get a Beta reader beacuse your spelling is downright afwul

9/11/2006 c1 A Reader
I like it. And when you say a girl in the HP world do you mean one from there a crossover girl or oc girl. And yes Harry should be with a girl. I am thinking Tonks.
9/10/2006 c1 3TaraLi
You've got a very good start of a story here! Grammar and spelling could use a bit of work, but the basic idea is good!

I'm not sure about the idea that his still-born twin having to return to a body is good, though. The Prophecy doesn't mention her (unless you're throwing the prophecy out in some manner), and re-incarnating her smacks too much of the ritual that Voldemort used.

The only other concern I have right now is the nudity - and I fear that could well end up getting you kicked off here. Nudity per se isn't a problem - but where you've aimed things at certainly could be. Still, we'll see how it goes.

That big rant she makes, though, has *GOT* to get broken up into paragraphs. I'm still not sure I actually managed to read all of it.
9/10/2006 c1 1Gryffindors
hell yeah, you have to get it going soon.

the ship should be harry/tonks

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