Just In
for Soldier

8/10 c28 liliana
Such a pity that you were unable to finish this.
7/1 c28 jojo
Fantastic story, just so disappointed that you weren't able to complete it - I hope that was out of choice, and not because anything bad has happened to you. You are a great storyteller, I hope that you are still out there writing!
10/3/2023 c28 janeyb
Oh, if you'd only meant the 'TBC' at the end of chapter 28. On behalf of all the readers who slogged their way through 28 chapters, only to find the story unfinished (I assume permanently, given the time lag), that sucks.
12/1/2022 c1 janeyb
Oh, here we go again... I've just read 97,394 words - most of them excellent, incidentally - only to find that IT IS NOT FINISHED. Grr. You are selfish, inconsiderate to abandon this. Please, please remove it if you're not going to finish it; that would at least prevent other poor readers wasting their time.
8/16/2022 c28 Guest
Tell me, exactly WHEN is it to be 'TBC'?
5/9/2022 c5 Guest
Thank goodness I only got to chapter 5 before I thought to check whether the story is finished. Unfortunately, it isn't and I'm guessing that you won't be revisiting to finish it. Shame, it has all the marks of a great story, and I'm a great Lester fan. Ah well, guess I'll have to bin this one - a bit like you've done? - and move on to somewhere else.
12/3/2021 c28 Ashtdil
I really hate that this story was abandoned. It was so good.
10/1/2021 c28 Anna
I do so hope that you’ll finish this some day!
6/19/2021 c7 10Directorofchaos
Oh my, somebody needs to throw a glass of ice water over me because that chapter was
6/13/2021 c28 kywildflower
I love this story! I really love Les and Stephanie together! This is the best explanation I’ve read for the transition from Ranger and Stephanie’s love interest relationship to just being friends. I hope you are able to finish it someday.
11/26/2020 c28 Mindymj
Oh gosh. Loved this. Wish there was more. Hope you are well.
8/3/2020 c1 Amberlina0418
I hope all is well and you can update!
6/5/2020 c1 Guest
I know it's been forever but I wish you would finish this
12/30/2019 c28 202Daisyangel
Have you abandoned this story for good?
5/13/2019 c28 Amberlina0418
still love this story, please finish.
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