Just In
for Soldier

5/28/2014 c28 Guest
I cant believe you didn't finish this and have left me hanging!
4/13/2014 c28 1FourReasons
I love discovering and reading through old fan fics because you find really really good stories like this one, I just wish it was finished!
3/6/2014 c7 Flameprincess
You write an AMAZING sex scene. Very few people seem to be able to master a well done sex scene that isn't cheesy. It was hot. It was tender. It was sexy.

The rest of the story is pretty awesome so far too! I love how you handled the Ranger/Stephanie thing (even though it hurt my heart, cause I'm a Babe first and foremost. Tart a super close second). And I can't wait to finish reading and see how Lester and Stehp's relationship starts.
10/27/2013 c28 Guest
I was hesitant about a Steph/Lester story but I love it. He has all of the good Ranger & Joe qualities. I especially like how he left Steph to choose protection something that neither would do. I love the punch to Rangers face too. I would love to see Steph say sorry first and "I love you" first. That would be a first...after this story I ask myself why was i a Babe in the first place. Go lester!
8/18/2013 c28 Guest
Please finish this! Dont leave us hanging
8/15/2013 c1 9the newest daughter
They like each other and i think they can be a perfect couple
5/24/2013 c28 6Potterwench
Please please please finish this or give someone your notes to finish this. It is soliloquy good and deserves to be completed!
4/6/2013 c28 emmme3
I started reading this story today not realizing that it wasn't complete which totally sucks because its an awesome story. I hope one day you decide to finish it
3/16/2013 c28 12Aleja21
i love this story and hope u finish it.
2/27/2013 c28 MissWendyJane
Great; not only is the story incomplete but it ends with Steph being kidnapped?! Ugh!
2/17/2013 c28 22basketcse
Great story but this is why I'm going to stop reading incompletes.
1/22/2013 c28 sg
keeping my fingers crossed that someday you'll update! one of my favourites
1/16/2013 c28 Guest
I know it isnt likely since its been sooooo long but this is one of my favorite stories ... And there are a lot...It would be great to read the rest
10/26/2012 c28 towhatend
Still hoping you'll update this story someday!
9/15/2012 c28 feelingcowgirlish
I love this story? I really hope you continue it!
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