Just In
for Soldier

8/29/2012 c28 Kira
Please please finish this story!
8/23/2012 c28 anon
wish you'd update it!
8/17/2012 c28 papaslittlecj
please continue! :)
7/4/2012 c28 Guest
Crap, this is why I try not to start any story that's not already complete...this is a great one, but sadly left everyone hanging...
5/28/2012 c28 Darcy Foster
Hope to have more of this? Pls update? darce
5/9/2012 c28 ozzybabe
argh! just got to the end of this chapter and am devastated its not finished! please please update!
5/3/2012 c28 Babe Forever
Just found this story. Oh I really hope you can find the time in your busy life to finish this!
4/6/2012 c28 6Angela3511
Oh. My. God! Please, you have to throw a girl a bone! Please, please update or something. I know it's been years but this is SUCH a great story and you left it on such a evil little cliffie, so please?
3/25/2012 c28 jendel
Great story! Love to know how it all works out.
3/7/2012 c28 Hazy101
YiIKES! I did it again! I read another incomplete story! In my defense, I couldn't help myself...this story captivated me from the beginnng. I'm not necessarily a MM pairing fan, mostly because I don't want Steph to see anyone else w/Ranger. However, I dhave to say I'm totally onboard with this Lester and you made Ranger slightly sleezy for sleeping with Steph one last time.

PLEASE, it's been over 2 years since Steph was taken...Lester is probably at the end of his rope...only YOU can save Steph from the Slayers and give her and Les the HEA they deserve!

This was such a great story...I'll hope against hope that you find the time to finish it one day...I'll be waiting!

All the Best,

3/3/2012 c28 Darcy Foster
Well, hoping for more? darce
3/3/2012 c7 Darcy Foster
Nice and caliente! Hot Hot-darce
1/10/2012 c28 Ziandra2010
I just found this story. Please, please, please tell me you are still working on this one!
12/15/2011 c28 sandrange
This story is so good. I have dutifully read it chapter by chapter, I know life is busy, but please please please finish :)
11/22/2011 c28 thinkb4uact
Wow really loved reading your story. I do hope you finish it even though it's bee a few years.
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