Just In
for The Ties That Bind

11/9/2015 c1 10alqui
It's a very well written one-shot. A pleasant read. The 'Where do we go from here?' line reminded me of a certain OST. *hint* *hint* Last paragraph ( Verse? Stanza? ) first line of the song.
10/9/2015 c1 kyle
please write more, the end turned me on. god the was sexy
9/4/2014 c1 30asimbelmyne
This was wonderful! I enjoyed 'The Ties That Bind' very much. I laughed quite a bit; the argument between Ichigo and Rukia was PERFECT. It was totally something they would do to each other out of irritation! The nostalgia was awesome to experience, for it's been awhile since I've watched/read anything Bleach related. You successfully expressed their personalities! It is hard to find good stories that follow proper characterization! I smiled so much while reading this, honestly, cause' you did everything right. I like your Wall of Shame, by the way. Such a hilarious idea! I had a good laugh! Thanks for the great read; you're quite talented! :D
5/30/2014 c1 Dan Tiu
this is great! ahahaha it made me giggle. Ichigo jealous and all aahahaha 3
5/24/2013 c1 Guest
Believe it or not, this was the first bleach fic I've ever read, and I LOVED it! Seriously, this was a.w.e.s.o.m.e
PLEASE write more stories!
5/18/2013 c1 awww
Awwww, they are just so cute together. I love these kind of stories..good job!
1/24/2013 c1 1TaeDextri
This is by far the best IchiRuki story I have EVER read! I am truly grateful for people who can create stories like these. Keep up the awesomeness and keep on SHIPPIN THEM ICHIRUKI! It just goes so well together... IchiHime sounds kinda awkward... No offense Orihime lovers! But you guys should really check the manga and series twice cuz there's a LOT of IchiRuki scenes... Hint hint *wink wink*
11/3/2012 c1 Guest
12/27/2011 c1 6BleachLover31
omg! I love it! lol and i love at the end, that is the song from Spirit :3
4/11/2011 c1 ichirukitard
awww this was a very well written piece. i had a lot of fun reading it; it was so cute and so ichiruki. loved it! ichiruki ftw! XD
12/14/2010 c1 45ShadowSword524
dude that was an awesome idea, and well-developed too
11/25/2010 c1 1ichiruki88
i think your writing is really good. if you choose to continue writing this fanfic i will continue to read. and i really must agree with you about the song that you chose to quote from.
8/10/2010 c1 4Lilith003


5/12/2010 c1 2Happily Unique
AWWW I love this story So Cute X
10/13/2009 c1 30Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky
I'm fan of the same pairings (Bleach and Naruto :D) and love the dubs as much as you do (dubs because I'm watching every single one in every language I know)

But now to your fiction:

KAWAI! I loved this!
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