Just In
for The Ties That Bind

10/2/2008 c1 ichirukifan13
Iloved this story, it's so kawaii^^ keep it up!^^
5/17/2008 c1 Jitsu-Jitsu-Jitsu
Really great story! I loved the pillow fighting, it seems so like them!
5/9/2008 c1 27uchihakiriko
aw, how cheesy! I wike it! =]
10/8/2007 c1 3Black Sunflower
Fantastic! I really liked it, I hope you write more IchiRuki and Bleach fanfics! You're a terrific writer ^^


9/7/2007 c1 angelic93
i love it so sweet keep it up ^^
6/30/2007 c1 4CooWings
This is good. Like someone else said before, there's a little corny OOCness towards the end, but what the heck. That doesn't make less awesome as a couple, one that I really love too! So, keep it up!
5/19/2007 c1 204Lalaith Quetzalli
So sweet!

I agree that the IchiHime is never going to happen.

I just love this couple!

It was a very good fic.
4/10/2007 c1 11Lone Wulffe
Simple and nice. I liked it.
12/24/2006 c1 27Audley
JOY and RAPTURE I really loved this. A little corny OOCness towards the end, but overall it was quite good and enjoyable.^^

Happy holidays!

now that's cool =)
11/22/2006 c1 10kaoru240
brilliant, wonderful, love him, I loved it, continuous writing
11/17/2006 c1 1Kateenka
Wow! I thought this was an absolutely amazingly well done story. Seriously, I'm still in awe of how perfectly you nailed it. The part where Rukia is acting like her 'school girl' self made me crack up. I also really liked how you explained how he isn't 'just' Ichigo. That really captured how I think she feels toward him. Awesome job!
11/13/2006 c1 7Sashah Anna Oosta
Aw that was so sweet!

Yet funny as HELL!


awesome story!

10/24/2006 c1 InuFilipinaFan

Actually, it's the first Bleach story I've read on the site, since watching the dub a few weeks ago. And from what I know, you're portayed the charaters well. And fluff. YAY FLUFF!

But I like the teddy bear better. He's funny.

Ichigo & Rukia make a veryy good pairing =). Great story! :D
10/22/2006 c1 1Bluie Twilight Star
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