Just In
for The Ties That Bind

10/13/2006 c1 4Witch Girl Pilar
Aw... how sweet... :D
10/2/2006 c1 6Emelyeuchiha
I loved this story!
10/2/2006 c1 73HellionKyou
ano...KAWAII! n i love thyat song! here i am.
9/26/2006 c1 15SilverGhostKitsune
aw...I love that song, and I love this fic! I too jumped up and down, much like a hyperactive monkey, when I saw the english dub. great fic and I hope there is a second chappie!
9/21/2006 c1 Acclivity
^^ In-character, I must say.

-Evil laughter ensues- O.o
9/21/2006 c1 4NimeReak
...I just died of happiness!

I love fluff like this, and Ichigo and Rukia fluff is some of the best there is!

Expecially when fan fics like yours are taken into account.

I absolutely loved it, and I thank you for it.

-happy sigh-

This reminds me of my fic, BUT BETTER xD
9/20/2006 c1 1Miscellaneous numeral
I don't know how to put this story... good just doesn't cut it
9/16/2006 c1 15bamchickawow
Nice story! I love ichiruki storys! I feel so sorry for inoue though she really likes ichigo. dont get me wrong because i dont like ichihime pairings i was just saying that cause i agree with what you said in the authors note! HURRY UP KUBO TITE WE WANNA SEE SOME ICHIRUKI!

From a totally weird person :P
9/15/2006 c1 3klownface133
DEFINETLY one of the better Ichigo and Rukia fanfics out there great work and Im going to read that fic you mentioned in the Autor's note Ijust hope it's as good as this was well see ya
9/13/2006 c1 1peaceful blossom
9/13/2006 c1 ruukii
ohh! so cute and sweet~ X3 i *hearts* you! ^_^
9/13/2006 c1 7silentlight
This is one of the better Bleach fanfics out of the lot. ^^ Good work!
9/13/2006 c1 7lackofname
^^; Okay, so I know next to nothing about Bleack. But I do know who Ichigo and Rukia are by now, and I agree - perfect match. And Orihime's that other girl, right? (Wow, I'm specific...)

Even if I don't know much, I still liked this fic...but I can't say anything worthwhile or constructive, so I'll just end the review here. ^^;

(Note to self: Go back and read this again once I watch more Bleach...)
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