Just In
for AntiLove

8/12/2024 c1 Fran
Cute! A good exploration of how antifaires get together amd yet cherish the other... At least in AntiWanda's and AntiCosmo
6/1/2015 c1 Guest
The feels ;3; it came out fantastically! :3
3/21/2013 c1 2scenicsierra
I thought it was FNN?
8/14/2012 c1 Reader's Daughter
10/27/2011 c1 creativesm75
8/18/2011 c1 7horsechick27
Beautiful story!
5/2/2010 c1 3Sharaynbow
3/3/2010 c1 21The Magic Pocket Turtle
Aww. This is very sweet nd very touching, and not entirely poorly written, but I nearly gave up a few times due to you spelling. I would honestly suggest running it through a spell check, or even just reading over it a few times before submission.
3/19/2009 c1 Jessie
So cute! Anti Fairy love from our fave Anti Fairy Super Genius Anti Cosmo!
6/21/2008 c1 23psychoInnocent
I never really thought of the Anti-Fairies, but this is cute! Cute, and rather fluffy XD :P
6/2/2007 c1 Jessie
This story shows that Anti-Cosmo really does have a heart deep down. It shows that he does care about Anti-Wanda and loves her as well as she loves him. Very touching.
4/8/2007 c1 14Dragonwhisperer
Other than some grammer mistakes, I absolutely love this story. It's incredibly cute and heartwarming, there aren't very many fics out with these two in them. You pulled off Anti-Wanda's accent amazingly well, I'm impressed, especially since I'm working on a fic with these two in it, and I can't work her accent into it. I'm a little dissappointed that it's only a oneshot, but I'm surprised at how well you wrote it out when you're not a big fan of them. I would have thought they were your favorite it I hadn't read the author's note before the chapter started.

Anyway, awesome story, I have favorited it so I can read it whenever I desire.
3/3/2007 c1 41TheDamnedIdiot
*weeps* aw! I love this couple so much. AntiWanda ain't stupid! She said she was but she really isn't! I love seeing AntiCozzie's sensitive side. It's cuter than Cosmo's. xD*Faves*
10/19/2006 c1 EMarie55Plus
This didn't 'suck'! It was beautiful! ^_^ Hope to see more stories like this-it's nice to see a sweet side to Anti-Cosmo.
10/19/2006 c1 CaryFairy
that is really effing cute mon amie! i never read a anti cosmo and anti wanda getting along fic before. i have to admit this is a nice change (and to think i was skeptical about rading it)
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