Just In
for The First Digidestened: Life

2/2/2008 c15 4Tokyo Oranges
aww, that's okay, i understand
8/17/2007 c15 7DCD
Why am I not surprised? I knew this would happen at some point! Well, anyways, good luck!
8/17/2007 c15 TestAccount2401
7/24/2007 c14 Tokyo Oranges
ehe why does the end of this chapter remind me of the fight between Angewomon & ladydevimon in Adventure 01
5/26/2007 c14 7DCD
That's too short of a chapter!

I hope you will update more during the summer break! please!

5/26/2007 c14 TestAccount2401
The digimon analyzer bit bored me, to be honest.

I'd make another comment about real crests, but there are infinite possibilities, so... whatever.

Please update soon.
5/17/2007 c2 16Zokolov
Plenty of dialogue, most of it well written, but the formatting could have been done better.

I liked that you used Gennai in this. However, the Digimon in this one are certainly not the ones in Adventure. As you know, the Digimon in Adventure were created a bit after Taichi and Hikari saw Greymon and Parrotmon in the Real World. That is, if you saw Episode 45 and understood it...

Anyway, the plot itself looks interesting, and I certainly hope it would thicken more.
5/17/2007 c1 Zokolov
Ah, so this is about the original Digidestined...The beginning is too short to captivate the readers interest.
5/16/2007 c13 EvilBoyzR2Cute
-_-" I'm a bit confused about who blackgatomon is...

Anyways, keep up the awesome work, love to read more from a fellow digimon fan^^
5/12/2007 c13 7DCD
Awesome! But I would like more humor please...
5/12/2007 c13 TestAccount2401
I think I've said this before, but: I'm confused.

So, nothing new, then.

Please update soon! (I'll try to start posting again within the next few weeks. It's just that AP exams are now, so... yeah.)
5/12/2007 c13 10Digi-Girl101
4/10/2007 c12 TestAccount2401
Research? What research?

Good chapter, though. Bit short, but still good.

Please update soon!
4/10/2007 c12 Digi-Girl101
4/10/2007 c12 7DCD
Wow...Hey it's me again...And I read your story...

It's really great! But I could use longer chapters...Or faster updates...
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