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for From Marc Jacobs to Meijer

6/9/2014 c3 4alphaParisxoxo
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I loooove reading the "Claire goes shopping part"!
Wanna read more!
Good job!
7/18/2013 c12 6LiveSmileFangirl
I like it so far and seriously hope that neither Massie's team nor Claire's team wins. I honestly just want the girls to make up and accept Massie as she is. Poor. Also poor Kendra and William :/ I hope they figure something out
5/17/2013 c12 Ah mazing
Wo good writer pleas keep writing
10/27/2012 c12 owlgirl
5 yrs? Srsly?
10/22/2009 c12 288chasingafterstarlight

i really like your stories! they are great!

I'm on Team Massie! Claire is being really horrible. Even though Claire was poor, Massie accepted her. And same with Kristen.

Well, go Massie!
9/2/2009 c12 2obscurci la lumiere

hope massie wins..

claire is a bitch
8/4/2008 c12 7Damon'sHumanity
I read it, now I'm reviewing! Continue! Upd8 soon!:)
8/4/2008 c9 Damon'sHumanity
MASSIE'S DUH! IF Kuh-laire wins I h8 u!
7/20/2008 c12 ribbonofrain
i like this story alot!

massie got what she deserved being mean and all.



please write more? =-]
7/12/2008 c12 1shortvolleyballgirl
update soon!
5/11/2008 c12 4Rabbitstorm
Haha, his grandmother's the old lady who's deaf and blind and Massie already kinda hates her.
5/11/2008 c9 Rabbitstorm
I want Claire's clique to win! Go Claire!
4/6/2008 c12 8eclxx112233

i love this.

please update soon!

it's ahmazing!

keep up the great work.

4/3/2008 c12 Quiiitx3
ahah i love the whole plot!

are you ever gonna update more?


please update asap!
2/28/2008 c9 6Moonbrook's Faith
Okay, I know this is a bit late. You have probably already decided. But I think Claire's team should win. Leesh is right.

BTW- ur writing is ah-amzing. Update soon!
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