Just In
for Laying Down Your Cards

12/8/2006 c1 CE-CO
Loved it! Great Job! Had me in tears. Now, I hope JE will take 13 in this same direction. Keep them coming.
10/19/2006 c1 21Erkith
very nice
10/9/2006 c1 FemmeLoki
Good story. Loved how Ranger nearly flipped out over the wife / husband thing. All though... a round of strip poker with Ranger would've been absolutely incredible. (swoons at thought)
10/6/2006 c1 26cltaylor
I still can't believe this is your first fic! This was a terrific piece of writing, babe! Beautiful, beautiful writing displayed. All characters played off each other just like they would in the books and the emotions between the characters was spot on. Well done, babe!

10/4/2006 c1 15Cokkii
aw...that was so sweet...i liked it.
10/4/2006 c1 Silent Me
I totally loved it babe, especially this part:

“Ok my beautiful wife, show me whatcha got baby” said Manny through a grin.

All of the eyebrows at the table shot skyward and Lula choked on her margarita, sputtering and coughing.


Manny and I burst into gut wrenching laughter at the comedy of the situation.

“Ace high straight my darling husband” I said laying down my cards.

“Ooh honey, you beat my three Jacks, good job darlin’” Manny said.

Lol, it just had me laughing like crazy ;P
10/3/2006 c1 1Stephannie1014
Oh... that was so sweet. I hope you continue this story.
10/3/2006 c1 8XJerseyGirl
Read this over on PFF and read it again here. Just sensational in both places! Love both your Ranger and your Steph, absolutely adore Tank and Lula. You keep writing, and I'll keep reading. That's fair, right?

10/3/2006 c1 Aria DeLoncray
Aww, great story! I like how you kept his name Ranger and how he referred to himself as Carlos. I hate how almost every story has him named Ric when he called himself Carlos in the books.
10/3/2006 c1 Butterscotch Krimpet
What a sweet story and very well-written. I liked the stories about Stephanie being peoples "wives".
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