Just In
for Not Ever

12/31/2006 c3 84hersheygal
OMG! that is so sweet! great job! and I love that song so that was awesome too! I hope you write more jate fics soon!
12/31/2006 c2 hersheygal
Aw! great chapter! yes Jack! go find Kate! lol!
12/31/2006 c1 hersheygal
I can't beleive I never saw this before! This is so good! yes Kate go talk to Jack! hehe!
10/27/2006 c1 kara
nice one again em! u really have atallent there!
10/14/2006 c3 9Rogue Vader
I'm so excited to see you wrote a Jate fic, especially since you read it so faithfully! ;)

I really enjoyed your story and we definitely need to see something like it on the show VERY soon. I hope you continue to write Jate and post it for us all to read.
10/11/2006 c3 6disfordanielle
Aww that was so sweet ;) Luv the lyrics...nice way to end. I give this story 5 stars!
10/10/2006 c3 4pickmysong -was Kate108
Cute. You made a little mix up though. You said that jack couldn't stand lying to Kate, but later he was thinking about when they whent to trade Henry for walt, at which point kate obviously knew about henry.

I love anything Jate!
10/10/2006 c3 19Jurassic4Life
aw, loved it!
10/9/2006 c3 Jate-JoDe
aww and the lived happily ever after. very cute, hope something simular like this actually happens on the show. well done

10/9/2006 c3 5NYR88
Aww cute ending...nice story...
10/7/2006 c2 57Audio Pineapple
It's really good - looking forward to the final piece.
10/5/2006 c2 Jate-JoDe
run Jack, run tell her you love her. aww really cute and awesome. please more.

10/4/2006 c2 6disfordanielle
This chapter was better than the first ( well it is Jack :D) Good work...update soon
10/4/2006 c1 disfordanielle
That was really, really well done! You captured kate's feelings well...thought Sawyer was a little OOC tho
10/4/2006 c1 jadajadajada
Well this is a nice one! I really like it:-) I hope you update soon...

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