Just In
for Selective Breeding

7/1/2020 c7 National Dolphin
Noooooooooo not Neji and Hinata das nasty
11/21/2013 c26 loretta537
this is a good one shot series, please write more of my favorite pairing shikamaru and naruto
7/10/2010 c13 miyako356
You know that neji & hinata r cuzins right?
4/22/2009 c5 9Nightmother
NO! ~jump around angrily ranting about how stupid kakashi is~ The reason he lived that long was because he had someone to go back to. Someone that pushed him to come back after ever mission.

You idiot! ~try to comfort the crying Iruka~
4/22/2009 c4 Nightmother
that was hilarious. could stop laughing.
11/14/2008 c21 26jazzy2may
Well - um, Iruka Kakashi! Yes!

But I like the glimpse into the others as well. But I like theidea of a more mainly Iruka Kakashi story- drabble whatever! :D

RE: Again, should I split this into a Kakashi, Iruka, Genma, Raidou, and etcetera series and then leave the other non afore mentioned people in this one? Or keep it as a steadily longer everything series?
11/9/2008 c4 jazzy2may
fun, so fun. What a fun, fun, story. :D
11/5/2008 c3 4wat no
creative title btw
11/5/2008 c1 wat no
i LUV this chap! its so funny!
11/5/2008 c21 53Sonar
You should keep this going just a bit longer and if you want, you can do something else with it.
11/4/2008 c12 Fullmetal Embers
Aww that's awful
11/4/2008 c8 Fullmetal Embers
Yay! Shikamaru is one of my fav characters
11/4/2008 c4 Fullmetal Embers
Loved it!
11/4/2008 c3 Fullmetal Embers
Excellent! -thinks of SasuSaku and shudders-
11/4/2008 c1 Fullmetal Embers
So wasn't expecting that! LOL
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