Just In
for Selective Breeding

11/1/2006 c4 24HarryPotterRulesMyLife
haha funny. ^^

id like to see iruke dressed that way. ;)
10/30/2006 c3 2Kyra Windwood
rock on indead!

LOL the ending to the 3rd chapter was funny ^_^
10/30/2006 c3 kawaii chibi shun
Aw... these drabbles are so cute and fluffy! I'm not sure whether or not I saw the end of the third one coming, but it was adorable either way. Once again, wonderful drabbles!
10/27/2006 c2 19Jonetsu
Hatake Kakashi has his comes and goes, he is an adult that saw much in life-the truth is, he does have love in his life, as everyone else. Even though I do not like the Kakashi/Iruka or Iruka/Kakashi pairing, in this I can bear. ^_^
10/27/2006 c1 Jonetsu
Damn, I loved that! They sound like an old married couple!
10/22/2006 c2 54happychica
Chapter one = funny!

chatper two = aw! so sweet! and so true!
10/11/2006 c2 20Moonlight Wynn
It's very cute! ^_^ I really like it!Please write more soon!
10/10/2006 c2 tamoranarutoholic
That was sweet. I love how you write you have a great literary voice. WRITE MORE plzz
10/9/2006 c2 49DancingDragonBlaze
That was sweet. I'm getting all fuzzy! KAWAII! I LOVE KAKASHI!

That was great!

Ja ne!

10/9/2006 c2 Juuvveli
Hey, wow!

These are sweet and make me feel warm and happy.

Keep them comin'! ^^
10/9/2006 c2 gossa
omg, so cute! XD nice
10/8/2006 c1 38Sugar-Hype-Queen
Made me laugh!/\_/\
10/8/2006 c1 28Rhea-samma
XDD I love a good parrot!Kakashi

Very nice. I giggled :D
10/8/2006 c1 12xXSasukeluvaXx
It's funny! Too bad it's so short though...How weird, I've just done about selective breeding in my science class not long ago. lolz
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