Just In
for The Halloween Moon

9/1/2008 c1 15Kattebutt
So sweet and sad I love it! Very realistic and I lie the twist at the end, though I'd have loved to see how things would be when they returned :P
1/30/2008 c1 2Kalez
This is awesome! And I totally think this shouldn't be a one-shot!
7/11/2007 c1 1garrettignasia

12/28/2006 c1 13blue sapphire lady
come on! you got to continue this! just one more chapter? please? pretty please? anyways, it was very good.
12/18/2006 c1 6CatsEyeFlashlight
This was just perfect! Now I'M smiling! I love your writing style!
11/25/2006 c1 5Snowing Petals
Wow! Very cool!
11/15/2006 c1 39fornwalt
Wow! You could totally do more with this story. I don't know why you have it as a oneshot... Anyway, great job!
11/14/2006 c1 10PeaChii
Simple yet meaningful... hehehehehehe... love it!
11/12/2006 c1 2linac428
that was so cute!
11/4/2006 c1 random reviewer 2
I like it, but it seems more like a beginning than a whole story. Maybe add a few chapters? Srry, but i just think it's incomplete.
11/3/2006 c1 3blueRAYE13
wow!cool awsome amazing1that was so romantic man!
11/1/2006 c1 harmony
Good job! I just love the way you write. You have a great writing style and i hope we all have the pleasure of reading more stories from you (Ed/Win please :)!)You could continue with this story but even if you didn't I really liked it. Maybe you could write one more chapter where you can write what happens after they meet...don't know I'm not a writer so I wouldn't know :( But great work and I'm waiting for more stories from you! Bye.
11/1/2006 c1 5ivydurden

Please continue :3

I love so much this couple :D
11/1/2006 c1 5skylines-and-seasides
Your story is really good. Your descriptive language just enthraled me you are natrual. You writing has flare. plz update.
10/31/2006 c1 15nekoluver
But they l*ve each other but don't know it...It's kinda sad...BUT I L*VE THIS STORY! IT'S AWESOME!

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