Just In
for Battle on the Lovefield

3/6/2007 c27 19fleeting.ideas
That Avery! My goodness! *grumble grumble*

Now I want to know what Harry did, and if there can be a [mildly] happy ever after.

& Go McGonagall! My, my, taking on multiple evil doing men. Woo

Never liked Boulahrouz either. tsk, tsk.

and good luck with those projects. I'll be here when you come back :]
3/1/2007 c26 4CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Merda, it's 12:07am and I'm supposed to hand in my paper (which I've only half-typedXD) later.. but I couldn't resist reading the newest chapter!:D That was interesting about the house-elf.. and it was a little lovey-dovey, what with the pregnancy (hehXD), but it was good!:P Donavan's sort of fishy though.. Hm..;)
2/27/2007 c26 4darkroses2992
i love all ur chapters! im glad dat dey worked things out! does pansy noe about Ginny? anyways great chap keep it comin =D
2/27/2007 c26 19fleeting.ideas
Okay... Action's one way of describing it.

New element in every relationship is quite another.

This wasn't your bestest chapter, but it was still exciting.

Wow... pregnant. And jealous. And threatened.

Oh, and am I sensing BlaisePansy...?

We'll se :]
2/27/2007 c26 11pstibbons
Donovan's a good characer to indroduce. Glad Harry applies- correctly or (as it seems now) incorrectly - the bimbo stereotype to him.
2/20/2007 c25 4darkroses2992
GREAT CHAP! omg amazing cant wait for the next chap =D
2/19/2007 c25 4CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Ooh, I bet this was fun to write!:D It's getting a little complicated for Draco and Ginny, which is good.. after all, they can't be all lovey dovey, now could they?:P It's sad that it's almost done, because I think it's a really good story! Oh well, you're going to write more fics, aren't you?;)
2/19/2007 c25 19fleeting.ideas
I -always- come back. And I will.

ha! I knew she was pregnant... and I like Blaise. Now.

I very enjoyed this chapter, but it made me wonder how strong Wizard alcoholic drinks were... :]
2/19/2007 c25 11pstibbons
A boring chapter since it was all about Draco and Ginny and didnt have any HHr in it. But I suppose that's fair. It's not like the world revolves around Hermione, is it?

Well written chapter, I suppose. Boulahrouz is an interesting creation - pity he's got a glaring weakness (lust for Ginny), he could be a great villain otherwise.
2/16/2007 c24 4CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Heh, i'm really so sorry I haven't reviewedTT English is my favorite sbject, but I was struggling a bit last semTT Anyways, I laughed at the last chapter comment, where you were wondering why I portrayed Blaise as an Italian:D I dunno, but I like fanon Blaise's description, wahahaXD And I just LOVED the last two chapters! Please write more!:D And this time I'm not going anywhere;)
2/8/2007 c24 19fleeting.ideas
"Burning Passion"! "In Mortal Peril"! these are things fics are made of.

I'm really enjoying your story (still) but I think you want to watch your tenses, they get a little bent here and there. But then again, I'm just hyper-sensitive to those things.

Honestly, a vampire? A Rita-esque character? The scandal! Oh lala :]
2/3/2007 c23 mia
omg are you going to write more plz i am hooked on this!
2/1/2007 c9 1Madamoiselle Maxine Chatterly
There's nothing wrong with this story except for the tense. If you're using past tense, then stick with the past tense. If you're using the present tense, then stick with present tense. Otherwise, the story gets confusing. Also (I have a problem with this too), when you write, try making it flow. It's really hard for some people, but I'm sure you can do it. Your writing has great potential.

Now, what I suggest is that, if you have an IPod or a CD player, or something of that sort, listen to it. Depending on what kind of song you listen to, you're writing will reflect the song. I've done it before. It's really quite effective.
1/30/2007 c1 1Kellbell930
good plotline but you defiantly NEED to check your grammar and characterization. draco malfoy wouldnt just walk upo and comfort her like that. theres tons of possibilities with this though so keep going!
1/30/2007 c23 11pstibbons
Ginny isnt a slut, I suppose, considering she doesnt get in the way of H&Hr in this fic. (I'm very shippist.)

Boulahrouz must, surely, have known that he was likely to be caught. Hope Ginny doesnt get too much flak from Draco about being under the vamp's spell.

The Avery lass mystery is good. I suspect she's not responsible for the death threats but knows who is.

Hermione only has one picture of Harry? When she could have bought eight hundred from Creevy?
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