Just In
for Battle on the Lovefield

12/15/2006 c15 4CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Hahaha, I LOVED this chapter!XD Molly's reaction was so funny..:P But when's the action coming in?:?
12/10/2006 c14 CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Aww, Harry and Hermione are so cute- when will they ever be together?:D And Draco ogling Ginny was funny, especially when Ron told him offXD
12/7/2006 c13 CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Wow, you did a lot of research there! Not sure I understood everything, but I think I'll figure it out as we go along:P And George and Parvati were random funny, hahaha!:P
12/4/2006 c12 CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
It's all about Draco in this chapter, eh?:? Interesting.. so that's why he's all cranky, heheXD Poor guy.. oh well, update soon!:D
12/3/2006 c11 sam
this was the best harry potter fanfic i have ever read! you have to add much more chapters to it. so please please write some more soon. it was getting so good and then it ran out of chapters. so write more chapters!
12/1/2006 c11 CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Leer mente, interesting.. so it's kind of a combination of the Imperius and Legilimency?:P And Draco's grandmother, hm.. Now that you mention it, I will mention it in True so we have tons of fun! WahahahahahaXD
11/28/2006 c10 CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Aww, that was cute, Ron and Jilly (as mushy as they are, hehXD) and Harry and Hermione!:) More please!:D
11/26/2006 c2 15californiagirl1426
Good chapter.
11/26/2006 c1 californiagirl1426
Love the pairings. I usually don't like Ginny/Draco pairings, but this fic seems really good so far.
11/26/2006 c9 4CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Yikes, won't Harry be wasted by now?:P Anyways it looks like there's going to be a ton of action coming up, yay!:D Sorry for being so LATE!TT
11/17/2006 c7 3BueFlame
This seems like an interesting story, please update soon.
11/17/2006 c7 4CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Natalie Avery scared me, hehXD And it was funny how the students kept asking about the Golden Trio:P
11/13/2006 c6 CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Ooh, so now Draco has dreams of Ginny too- interesting..:P And Harry and Hermione being far away from each otherTT That's sad- wrinkles nose:D
11/12/2006 c5 l'automne
Nice chapter.

Hope you update son!
11/10/2006 c4 CrAzY-gIrL-oUt-To-WrEaK-hAvOc
Poor Hermione.. The Weasleys are such nice people.. And Draco and Ginny? Interesting pair:)
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