6/21/2007 c4 14E.Mahiru
AAGH! SO many words for SHORT! NO!
Ahahahaha. This is looking hilarious! I can't imagine what will happen, Artemis and Ed living together!
AAGH! SO many words for SHORT! NO!
Ahahahaha. This is looking hilarious! I can't imagine what will happen, Artemis and Ed living together!
6/21/2007 c3 E.Mahiru
That's hilarious! It would have been SO funny if Al let Ed do a bunch of cats and they all ended up on top of Breda and Fuery and Jean and Riza and Sheska!
That's hilarious! It would have been SO funny if Al let Ed do a bunch of cats and they all ended up on top of Breda and Fuery and Jean and Riza and Sheska!
6/21/2007 c4 2jenelric
hahaha! gotta luv ed XD this is great! i was hoping for someone to finally write a fmaxaf xover!
hahaha! gotta luv ed XD this is great! i was hoping for someone to finally write a fmaxaf xover!
6/21/2007 c4 Lauren
I've never thought of this crossover before! PLus, this is really well-written. It fits the characters very well, and everything really flows. Kudos!
I've never thought of this crossover before! PLus, this is really well-written. It fits the characters very well, and everything really flows. Kudos!
6/21/2007 c4 26AkitaFallow
Which Artemis Fowl book is this based after? Cuz Arty's not 16 in the beginning... and through the books, I'm pretty sure he gets nicer... And why are Ed and Al trying to transport themselves? Is it so they can get to the Gate and demand Al's body back? Anyways, other than those little nit-picky things, I really like it! Update quick!
Which Artemis Fowl book is this based after? Cuz Arty's not 16 in the beginning... and through the books, I'm pretty sure he gets nicer... And why are Ed and Al trying to transport themselves? Is it so they can get to the Gate and demand Al's body back? Anyways, other than those little nit-picky things, I really like it! Update quick!
4/30/2007 c2 14E.Mahiru
I can't tell if it's really ARTEMIS FOWL OR NOT! HURRY UP AND UPDATE!
I can't tell if it's really ARTEMIS FOWL OR NOT! HURRY UP AND UPDATE!
4/30/2007 c1 E.Mahiru
Do I smell a FOWL here? Maybe it's just me, but then again it's probably coming from FOWL MANOR, isn't it? Perhaps BUTLER just fried someone.
Well, I'll just read on and find out if I'm on the right trail..."Arlen"
Do I smell a FOWL here? Maybe it's just me, but then again it's probably coming from FOWL MANOR, isn't it? Perhaps BUTLER just fried someone.
Well, I'll just read on and find out if I'm on the right trail..."Arlen"
12/22/2006 c2 3Caramello Kennedy
aw cliffy! lol, i never thought about a af/ fma crossover b4 nicee dfisct afict ficcy !
kenny battousau dsasfe=-7
aw cliffy! lol, i never thought about a af/ fma crossover b4 nicee dfisct afict ficcy !
kenny battousau dsasfe=-7
11/6/2006 c2 17Marz1
interesting, is this going to be an Artemis Fowl cross over? it was kind of unclear in the begining.
interesting, is this going to be an Artemis Fowl cross over? it was kind of unclear in the begining.
11/3/2006 c2 1Volcan 300
that's ok. i've been itching to update all of my stories too & im redoing my #1 story Punk Meets Punkette. not sure if you were a fan of it or not.
Volcan 300
that's ok. i've been itching to update all of my stories too & im redoing my #1 story Punk Meets Punkette. not sure if you were a fan of it or not.
Volcan 300