Just In
for Harry Potter and the Final Battle

5/26/2012 c1 16notwolf
Hey, girl! Is everything okay? I noticed your messaging is turned off, so I had to use this route to contact you. My last chapter of the Voldemort Diaries went up over a week ago, and I wondered if you'd got the message. I think some ppl did not. Anyway, hope all is well!
6/13/2007 c4 9Cynicism and Happiness
Awesome fic. Keep writing!
3/4/2007 c3 3Princess Shinko
The ideas that you have are really good and probable.Your story is fab and i hope you update!
11/16/2006 c2 germanking1
This story is one of the best ones that i have read so far. I hope you add more chapters soon.
11/6/2006 c1 germanking1
This story was really good and i think that if you continue to right more chapters you will be my favorite author so far.

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