Just In
for Trial

3/23/2014 c6 AnimeFreak71777
Thank you for the amazing story! It was short, but very touching. :D
1/2/2014 c6 1I-Love-Trunks1
I'm so glad that everything worked out well for Soubi.

Soubi and Ritsuka are so cute together.

I loved this story so much!
2/1/2013 c6 1777angeloflove
10/29/2009 c6 18Kitsune Alchemist
Amazing. I love how you captured all the characters. Nicely done.
9/19/2009 c6 1baby green eyes
Duude this was probably the best Loveless fic I've ever read! WOW! This was amazing to read! It was so authentic, I love the court jargon, and everyones dialog and reactions were so canon..HEHE I loved the last chapter at the end, hahaha! HE JUST NEVER LEARNS, DOES HE?

Very very very very lovely and nice to read. Thank you so much, I was desperate for some good fiction. Phew. Found it.
7/28/2008 c6 loretta537
aw such a very nice story, so what happens to ritsuka's mom?
3/21/2008 c6 kokoneko


WOW! THat was a really really, REALLY good fanfic! GREAT!
3/21/2008 c5 kokoneko
Youji and Natsuo's last names are both Sagan. Just like Nagisa. =)
3/20/2008 c4 21CinnyMon

This is like awsome!

I don't know that many loveless charters so this is a bit confusing for me but whatever...Props to you and your sister for Kio's pip suit XD.

Can't wait to hear more from you~!
8/16/2007 c6 Sonya4ever
I love it! The ending was cute and the stroy was, too! I liked how Ritsuka told everyone about his mom and how the evil woman got what she desrided( refing to that lawer person?Wanabe?Or something)Your rock & you rule.
8/13/2007 c5 Dark lady
In response to title of chapter:

*Straps on fighting claws- raises and waves hand in the air* Oh me, me, me! I want to strangle that insensitve %&*^#.

I love the story by the way; Soubi and Ritsuka are just so Kawaii.
4/26/2007 c6 1Heartless980
I looked it up and Natsuo and Youji's last name is Sagan, just so you know.

I loved this story and it really got me thinking. So watch out for my new story it's a what if? kind of thing and the first chapter should be up soon.
1/21/2007 c6 IRK3N
*claps* I loved it!

Especially the image of Kio jumping on the police...priceless. XD
1/19/2007 c6 2stardragon12
now that was a happy ending!^^
1/8/2007 c6 angel-kamui
Great story! Short but cool! ^_^ Nicely done!
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